Page 12 - Security Today, May/June 2020
P. 12

By Dan Grimm
Using Facial Recognition Improving operations and security in the airport setting
Airports are unique places. They are accessed by thousands of people every day. Few other facili- ties in the world have to screen so many individu- als for personal and environmental safety while providing a positive experience. Further, the chal- lenge is not static. As new threats and requirements emerge, the security challenges associated with airports continue to evolve.
Fortunately, advances in artificial intelligence mean airport personnel are now able to leverage an asset they have in great number to respond: security cameras. By bringing facial recogni- tion and other forms of computer vision to these cameras, airport leaders are able to identify security threats much earlier than be- fore, as well as opportunities for improving operations that previ- ously required much greater effort and cost. In terms of security, these same solutions provide a clear picture of who is coming
through their facility by instantly detecting and matching faces to watchlists containing persons of concern and missing persons in real time.
For operations, today’s AI-powered facial recognition solu- tions for live video give insights into how individuals are moving through the space and enable much faster access.
With access to greater understanding, airports are able to make data-driven decisions that augment their security infra- structure, enhance passenger experiences, increase operational efficiency, and streamline after-incident investigations.
Airport security advancements have focused on keeping passen- gers and flight crew safe on airplanes. Strict policies and improved scanning technologies have been implemented in airports around

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