Page 16 - Security Today, November/December 2019
P. 16

The Security of Medicine IFllinois medical center relies on new server solution to secure all facilities
or more than a century, SwedishAmerican Health System, its hospital and medical facilities, have been serving the community of
Rockford, IL. As a division of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin Health, the medi- cal staff has been delivering high-quality healthcare and strategies to keep patients and families healthy.
Behind the Scenes
What families and patients don’t see is the world-class security systems that have been put in place at all SwedishAmerican medical facilities and outlying satellite healthcare clinics.
“In an ongoing effort to provide securi- ty at the highest level, SwedishAmerican is upgrading all their servers to include Win- dows 10,” said Randy Lapp, a regional business development manager at Salient Systems. “The security team has nearly completed the replacement of old DVRs with new enterprise network servers. This offers a much more reliable security solu- tion tying all the medical facilities togeth- er. Each clinic will have a single server, while there will be multiple servers in the hospital. Server types and camera counts will depend upon the needs of each wing of the facility.”
In keeping with SwedishAmerican’s mission to deliver excellence in healthcare, they also maintain the highest level of care when it comes to keeping their patients, medical staff, and facilities safe. One such effort is the migration from Windows 7 platform to Windows 10 and maintaining compliance in their OS. Utilizing Salient’s CompleteView VMS with Dynamic Reso- lution Scaling, the security team has more than adequate bandwidth to record and store video for 90 days at each facility.
What to Record
Because the medical center offers a day- care facility, recording is ongoing, and is stored for 90 days; however, some record-
ings are held for as long as six months. In locations where there are privacy issues, such as patient treatment areas, no video recordings are made. Still, in spaces such as parking lots and common areas, video recording is essential.
The servers replace an obsolete system
and have been engineered by Salient Sys- tem network engineers to accept upgrades in security solutions as technology, and various solutions evolve. Even more impor- tant is the fact that the servers are tailor- made to fit the specific needs of the various hospital departments and separate clinics.

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