Page 32 - Security Today, January/February 2019
P. 32

Cover Story
Securing Transportation
MIanaging the nation’s infrastructure means various vital roles
n today’s connected world, Intelligent Transportation Systems tecting and securing the ITS network infrastructure—city, county, (ITS) play vital roles managing our Nation’s critical infrastruc- state, and federal—from outside attack or unauthorized entry. Either ture including roadways, interstates, intersections, ports, mass of these can cause potentially devastating consequences:
transit lines, city traffic, and urban mobility. As Connected • Cyber-attack with ransom-ware or denial of service, which could
Infrastructure, roadways with Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) and create chaos and disruption of normal operations.
Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) connectivity, and Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) have become a reality, securing our infrastructure both through physical and cyber security measures is an absolute re- quirement. This higher level of security is critical, yet it continues to be overlooked and undervalued.
So, what are these security concerns? First and foremost is pro-
• Disruption of traffic signal operations that could result in vehicle accidents, putting our mobile citizens at risk.
Where Do We Begin?
Taking a layered approach to securing this infrastructure, one must start at the edge and work inwards. In the case of the transportation
By S. Guerry Bruner

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