Page 47 - Campus Security & Life Safety, November/December 2019
P. 47

“An integrated system will provide a more complete security management system where everything works together to secure their properties, employees and intellectual property.”
monitor incoming traffic. The LPR cameras capture the license plate images and compare it to what is in the database. An alert sounds and an email sent to designated employees when a person of interest has entered cam- pus. The campus is set up so all vehicles have to drive by two LPRs to get on campus.
The LPR cameras have a greater than 90 percent chance of reading a license plate and the security team receives a notice when someone who should not be on cam- pus has arrived.
The sensitive nature of their work requires strict access control measures to ensure that only authorized employees are allowed in
sensitive areas. To achieve tight control, they use two-factor authentication, card plus PIN in critical areas such as data centers.
Looking Ahead
The research institute plans to integrate Symmetry with its video management sys- tem and LPR system with long range read- ers. An integrated system will provide a more complete security management sys- tem where everything works together to secure their properties, employees and intellectual property.
As more audit requirements are needed around access control, they will need to
track who has been where and their pro- cesses surrounding that data. The risk of someone entering an unauthorized area is a great concern. While they have processes in place to manage compliance, they are look- ing into better ways to manage identities to automate processes and become more effi- cient. They are also in the planning stages of upgrading their system to SMART cards using OSDP compliant Symmetry Blue Bluetooth readers and Symmetry M4000 Intelligent Controllers.
Kim Rahfaldt is the director of media rela- tions at AMAG Technology.

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