Page 40 - Campus Security & Life Safety, May/June 2019
P. 40

"It's time to take advantage of an empty campus
and complete a flurry
of maintenance activies, upgrades and repairs."
Summer break is almost here and teachers and students are counting the days until school is out. For many school administrators and facilities managers, however, summer isn’t breaktime. It’s time to take advantage of an empty campus and complete a flurry of maintenance activities, upgrades and repairs. If retrofitting or repairing access control sys- tems is on your to-do list, taking advantage of this limited window of time is crucial because life safety and security systems must be in the best possible condition when stu- dents and staff return.
With thoughtful planning and strategy, the summer months can be productive and help you not only meet your goals for safety, but also energy efficiency, freedom of movement for students and staff, and more. Where should facilities professionals begin? These three tips can put your summer on the right track:
Start Before the Bell
Many factors affect decision-making about access control systems, from individual school size and population to district- and region-wide priorities. Completing site assessments before summer break begins will allow you to take these factors into account and see how the entire campus system works before the building is empty and upgrades are implemented. These assessments reveal sys- temic issues that may need to be addressed, such as choke points for foot traffic, the lock function of interior doors, and even the num- ber of doors with exterior access. Completing site evaluations while school is in session will guide the decision-making process by illumi- nating problems that are only apparent when the facilities are in use.
Starting early also allows you and your facilities staff and administrators to effec- tively engage the various stakeholder groups involved in maintenance decisions. Meeting with school board members, parent groups
By David Corbin
Retrofitting from
Curb to Core
How to maximize your summer window
retrofit solutions
40 | MAY/JUNE 2019
and potential vendors before the school year ends ensures you have buy-in from all the necessary decision makers so that once the final bell rings, upgrades can get underway without delay.
Work From the Outside In
Despite being the first line of defense for any campus, the perimeter is too often neglected. Yet there are basic improvements to crucial perimeter infrastructure that dramatically
improve a school or campus’ overall security. Examine pedestrian access points as well as those for vehicular traffic, and find places to streamline movement while keeping students, parents and staff secure. For example, if perim- eter infrastructure around playgrounds or walkways isn’t robust, consider adding heavy- duty gate locks with a holding force up to 2,000 pounds. For non-mechanical solutions, gates and fences can also be retrofitted with electromagnetic locks and electric strikes.

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