Page 56 - Security Today, May 2018
P. 56

The Problem Persists
Throwing new hardware at your security system may not solve the problem
BWy Vincent DeMaio
hile the security industry is being sold on UPS battery back-ups that come with “power condi- tioning” built in, the reality is that over 90 per- cent of these battery back-ups only offer surge suppression and surge suppressors that solely
protect against large power fluctuations, such as lightning, which only account for two percent of failures.
A serious threat is putting many surveillance and access control systems at risk.
This threat doesn’t come from viruses, cyber criminals or stealth intruders. Instead, it comes from the wall socket where small power fluctuations can take high definition cameras, surveillance equip- ment, access controls systems, and other security equipment tempo- rarily offline and even create gaps in digital recordings.
Making matter worse, the security industry is being sold on the idea that UPS (uninterruptable power supply) battery back-up pro- vides 100 percent coverage against power issues.
Not so fast. Many, in fact, leave gaping holes in power protection that can take security systems down for minutes, or even longer, creat- ing a security risk for the customer and tarnishing the reputation of the reseller.
Sensitive HD and IP-based Technology
With today’s reliance on technology for surveillance and access con- trol, any hiccup in the security chain can jeopardize a business or homeowner’s assets. This is particularly the case with today’s inte- grated and high quality digital systems that are more sensitive to the effects of power fluctuations both large and small.

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