Page 24 - Security Today, January 2018
P. 24

t the time of this writing, the country is still mourning the 26 people killed in the shooting at Sutherland Springs Baptist Church just outside of San Antonio, Texas.
y Sydny Shepard
The incident, which occurred just weeks after the Las Vegas mass shooting, has been deemed the most deadly mass shooting at an American place of worship.
Within 40 days in 2017, more than 80 fam- ilies mourned the lives of those lost in unnec- essary violence on soft targets including the attacks on a Las Vegas outdoor concert and the Texas church shooting. Every time an incident like this happens, the same response follows: we are shocked, we point fingers, we blame, we even ask, “How could this have happened?” Then we forget.
This is what is fueling the fire of the deranged people who decide to incite vio- lence on unsuspecting concert-goers, wor-
shipers and school-aged children. It is a game to them as they wonder who can create the most chaos.
In our cover story, we discuss the Suther- land Springs Baptist Church shooting and how securing sacred areas, like places of wor- ship, is a delicate balancing act.
With each incident, it is up to church cam- puses to review their policies, find holes in their security and move forward with a plan that keeps their congregants safe.
Sydny Shepard is the Group Social Media Editor at 1105 Media.
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