Page 8 - Campus Security & Life Safety, June 2018
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the information, their presence in prominent and visible locations in each classroom reinforces the importance of preparedness on campus. Additionally, a comprehensive all hazards emergency action plan was digitally disseminated to the entire campus community.
A comprehensive and detailed schedule of events, otherwise known as a Master Scenario Events List or MSEL, guided the flow and timing of the drill. The MSEL serves as the overall exercise playbook and guides the actions of the drill.
University security dispatch launched the mass notification alert advising the campus of the exercise start. Evaluators attempted to enter classrooms and noted any unsecured doors, lights left on, lack of drill participation and any design flaws in the physical room. Some rooms pose significant challenges—large glass windows, doors and walls necessitate a different strategy. Students and faculty need to recognize their space’s vulnerabilities quickly and determine if the area can be fortified or if evacuation is necessary.
The fire alarm was activated in three buildings as an additional exer- cise inject for confusion and and stress. Fire alarms have been used by some attackers to lure people into an open space, just like the Parkland shooter did on Feb. 14. Most classrooms continued to remain in place; however, some did evacuate.
Communication. Numerous and redundant paths of communication are essential for disseminating information to the campus. The drill reinforced that text, email, siren and phone calls may not be sufficient. Expanding campus notification through building speakers and addi- tional outdoor siren/PA system, as well as ensuring that all classrooms are equipped with classroom intercom phones, is critical for ensuring emergency notifications are received.
Access Control. Though the university has modified classroom doors’ locks over a phased multi-year program, not every classroom can be locked from the inside without a key. This exercise helped to identify some areas of campus that did not have locks installed or pre- sented structural challenges (e.g., windows, glass walls/doors).
Outreach. Since campuses generally gain and lose a quarter of the student body each year there is a continued need for increased student outreach and engagement. To this end emergency management staff are partnering with the Student Government Association to create a campus safety subcommittee comprised of student leaders to identify student- centric solutions and means of improving the campus safety program.
Repetition. One drill is not sufficient. Consistent training and exer- 8 WWW.CAMPUSLIFESECURITY.COM | JUNE 2018
cises are required. The discussions and learnings prompted by this exercise illustrated the importance of an emergency management training and exercise program and helped achieve additional program support and buy-in from university leadership. The next campus-wide exercise has already been scheduled.
In order to successfully conduct a Protect-in-Place response drill, you will need to take into account these essential planning elements:
• Set clear goals and objectives.
• Communicate what you are doing any why with your campus
• Train your campus on the response expected of them. • Conduct your exercise with ample evaluators.
• Schedule the next exercise and repeat the process.
However, the greatest obstacle to conducting a successful exercise is overcoming the fear of performing poorly. “Failing” is perhaps the main reason for resistance when conducting drills and exercises. Para- doxically, an exercise that does not identify areas of weakness that can be improved upon is itself a failure. Institutions conduct exercises to identify points of weakness and failure so that these areas can be strengthened or corrected in a low-stress environment versus having to discover these weaknesses during a real-world emergency.
Conducting a campus-wide emergency drill requires significant internal and external partnerships and support, a defined goal and set of objectives, and a clear commitment from senior leadership/admin- istration to support the campus emergency management program.
Emergencies occur with little or no advanced warning. Emergency management programs must recognize this reality in order to prepare the organization to respond adequately. While training police, fire, and EMS is critical for effective incident response, too often faculty, staff and students are excluded from hands-on training which leaves this vulner- able group ill-prepared to protect themselves in an actual emergency.
How does a university include the entire campus in drills without disrupting academia or instilling unnecessary fear amongst the cam- pus community? It’s a delicate balance but it can be done.
Gus Porter, MPH, CPH is a Man- ager of Environmental Health, Safety and Preparedness at High Point University. Jeff Karpovich, MA, CPP, CHPA is the Director of Security & Transportation at High Point University.