Page 30 - Campus Security & Life Safety, April 2018
P. 30

Attendees of Campus Security & Life Safety Summits are treated to vital information from industry experts
Campus security has always and will continue to be one of the most important verticals in the security industry. While many K-12, higher education, medical and wor- ship campuses have boosted their policies, protocols and physical security as a result of tragic incidents on campuses across the country, the fact of the matter is: campus security is always evolving.
Just 20 years ago, security on campuses was completely different. The idea of having video surveillance, access control and drills for any- thing other than a tornado or fire seemed to be pushing the already fine line that schools have to tow when protecting students. Adminis- trators need to have unique knowledge that enables them to ensure the safety of their students while also giving them the free-flowing open educational facility students want to learn in.
When educational campuses began to boost their physical security following the shootings at Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech and Columbine, a lot of parents complained that they didn't want their students to be attending a school that seemed a lot more like a prison than a school building.
In order to keep up with the new technology, drills, compliance tips, and security solutions that are tailor-made for a campus, you have to be continuously learning the industry—which is hard to do when you are working the long hours of an administrator, school resource officer, superintendent or other campus professionals.
Campus Security & Life Safety is looking to give campus professionals a dedicated time and place to expand their knowledge of the unique security solutions that could be implemented on their campus while providing them the ability to connect face-to-face with experts who can help them to shape their protocols to keep students, faculty and administration safe.
The event was designed to be easy to attend, affordable and educa- tional. The CSLS team worked to ensure as many campus safety profes- sionals could attend as possible, offering low-cost registration and special group pricing. The registration price covers the attendees' entry but also their meals for breakfast and lunch. The event was scheduled to be the same amount of time as a regular school day so those who wish to continue their security education at the Summits would not have to do so on their own time.
The locations of the Summits were also carefully picked in central locations with rich educational influences and only marketed to those within a few hundred miles so that no administrator, educator or secu- rity professional would have to travel more miles than they are com- fortable with. The location of the event also plays a part in deciding which topics and speakers will be present at the event, as the CSLS team hoped to tailor the material to what local attendees are most interested in.
In November of 2017, CSLS kicked off their first Campus Security & A SPECIAL SECTION TO SECURITY TODAY AND THE JOURNAL

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