Page 26 - Security Today, December 2017
P. 26

Got Single- Pair UTP? Want IP? Simple.
The award-winning PoLRE switch family delivers Ethernet and PoE over single pair UTP with 1,200ft (365m) reach.
PoLRE 24 & 48-Port Managed Switch PoLRE LPC 8-Port Unmanaged Switch
the Reach of Traditional Switches
1,200ft 300ft
Member of the CHARIoT Series
Go to and enter 5 for product information.
In any case, the information revealed through round-the-clock thermal monitor- ing identifies safety risks early enough so that security staff can take action before those risks become more extensive. They have also been recently deployed in automated detec- tion of incidents, wrong way driving and wildlife detection.
Detection of Unauthorized Staff in Restricted Areas
In restricted locations where a perimeter fence would be impractical or ineffective, such as mines or rough terrain, thermal cam- eras have become the go-to security tool to detect and deny entry of unauthorized per- sons. A particular advantage of thermal im- aging is the ability to detect individuals hid- den by darkness or foliage.
Long range thermal lenses can also cov- er large expanses of land. Current thermal technology is so sophisticated that security personnel can easily distinguish between a person crawling on the ground to escape de- tection and small animals that happen to be in the area. Thermal is also the perfect tech- nology to integrate with radar to better cover wide open area perimeters.
Maritime Security and Nighttime Navigation
In the maritime industry, thermal imaging cameras vastly improve security and night- time navigation. Obstacles such as buoys, other boats and object avoidance can be easily detected making nighttime boating safer than ever. Law enforcement can easily locate and
track suspicious vessels, conduct search and rescue operations, including man overboard in total darkness through light fog or haze.
Today’s advanced thermal imaging sys- tems also enable law enforcement personnel to conduct surveillance at night while re- maining completely undetected, improving officer safety.
24-Hour Surveillance for Enterprises that Operate Around the Clock
Correctional facilities offer another environ- ment where thermal imaging has proven of great value. In lowlight interiors, where shad- owy areas can mask the activities of inmates, thermal imaging can reveal the heat signa- tures of people and objects no matter how dark the environment.
Thermal cameras see through smoke so the location of inmates and correctional authorities is always known, even during a fire rescue situation. Outside of prisons, in inclement weather or under the darkness of night, corrections officers can monitor pris- on gates and perimeters without the use of spotlights.
Thermal Imaging Cameras to Disrupt Shoplifters
Shoplifting has always been an expensive problem for retailers. From two-way mir- rors and CCTV cameras to detectives pos- ing as customers, retailers employ an array of tools to combat the practice. However, while these strategies may prove effective in catching thieves in the act of stealing, once
Ivan Smuk/

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