Page 100 - Security Today, November 2017
P. 100

Security Platform
Streamlined communication during an incident
The VuTeur platform uses real-time location sys- tem (RTLS) technologies embedded within mod- ern mobile and smart devices to power two-way communication with individuals during an inci-
dent or event. VuTeur uses existing Wi-Fi connec- tivity to communicate directly with mobile users within a facility, allowing a user’s locations to be visualized on a map of the facility and reported to operators and responders. This information pro- vides a complete picture of which individuals are at most risk. VeTeur.
Go to and enter 312 for product information.
Security Robots
Incorporates advanced intelligence
The S5 Robotic Guard is a fully autonomous un- manned ground vehicle that incorporates advanced intelligence to augment traditional patrolling ser- vices by detecting outdoor activity, including hu- mans and vehicles. It incorporates automatic ob- stacle avoidance sensors, two-way audio, panic
button and on-board panoramic video surveillance to increase situational awareness.
Robotic Assistance Devices and SMP Robotics.
Go to and enter 313 for product information.
Indoor PoE Camera
Motorized pan and tilt
TRENDnet’s Indoor 2MP 1080p WDR Mini Pan / Tilt PoE IR Network Camera provides 24 hour HD sur- veillance with a night vision range of up to 32.8 ft. The camera features adjustable wide dynamic range (WDR) image balancing which enhances im- age quality and clarity when the camera is exposed to high contrast lighting environments. The motor- ized 180° pan and 75° tilt offers greater visibility over the environment and can be remotely con- trolled over the internet. TRENTnet.
Go to and enter 314 for product information.
New feature for VMS
Adds biometric face recognition
Neurotechnology released a new product—Sen- tiVeillance Server—which adds biometric face rec- ognition capabilities to surveillance video manage- ment systems (VMS). The product is based on Neurotechnology’s deep neural network technology and it enhances VMS with advanced capabilities such as the ability to quickly and accurately recog- nize faces in video streams and trigger analytical event notifications when someone on a predefined list is detected. Neurotechnology.
Go to and enter 315 for product information.
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