Page 20 - Campus Security & Life Safety, July 2017
P. 20

having a bank account. Every positive inter- action we have and humorous post that is shared is like depositing support into our account. Undoubtedly, something will hap- pen and we’ll need to call on the public sup- port that was previously deposited. By this logic, every individual share, retweet, view, comment, reply, and engagement should be considered a success.
This support can be seen far beyond the reach of your campus or community jurisdic- tions. With social media, our reach is limited only by the ability for individuals to get inter-
net access. Iowa State University has more than 36,000 students, but many of ISUPD’s social media posts are being seen by more than 100,000 people. Those viewers are inter- acting with the posts by both commenting and by sharing the posts with their own group of friends and followers. In a world where the primary form of communication is through spreading media online, getting others to share a post is crucial.
The number of people reached on social media is not the only means by which we can measure success. Through shares and views,
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new opportunities can be presented. Because of a few posts the ISUPD has made regarding recent Start By Believing—a program of End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI)—initiatives, the excellent work being done by employees throughout the department is getting international recogni- tion. EVAWI has since written a spotlight article on the department’s efforts and has asked that department members join other professionals from around the world by pre- senting at future conferences. Social media can help us spread an in-person message on an international stage.
While an inappropriate use of social media may result in the demise of a business or orga- nization, social media is a friend to be embraced with open arms. With a clear plan, and the flexibility to use humor, the divide between law enforcement and the general public in the United States can begin to be closed. If you aren’t reaching your community on social media, you aren’t reaching your community.
Anthony Greiter is the community outreach specialist for the Iowa State University Police Department.

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