Page 16 - Campus Security & Life Safety, April 2017
P. 16
Threat Level Manager allows Yale to lock down the university in the event of an emer- gency, but still provide an open campus the rest of the time.
Boyd and Higgins have big plans to do much more to ensure a secure campus for stu- dents and staff. Increasing efficiency is a large part of it.
“We are looking into a self-service web page to increase efficiency,” said Boyd. “Rath- er than email changes to a central scheduler, we want building managers with proper authority to make changes on a website to increase efficiency. The cost savings would be substantial.”
AMAG’s Symmetry CONNECT policy-
based identity management software will help streamline Yale’s internal onboarding and off- boarding process to improve workflow and better operationalize their business.
“Symmetry CONNECT will obtain infor- mation from the HR system and push out to authorized individuals to on-and-off board students and employees,” said Boyd.
Between students and staff, the number of changes being made to the system on a daily basis demands a streamlined approach. Sym- metry CONNECT minimizes cumbersome paper and multiple email requests, improving efficiency and saving money.
Yale also plans to integrate Symmetry access control with Milestone’s xProtect
Yale University, Michael Marsland
video management system allowing events to pop up on video where there is an alarm. Vingtor Stentofon Intercoms are located on campus and they plan to tie in the audio and the video so live camera feeds pop up on the Symmetry system. Creating more efficient guard tours and implementing mobile cre- dentialing will also be considered in the future to increase usability.
“Once we implement these upgrades, that’s when the end user will see a difference in our systems,” said Boyd. “And that’s our plan.”
“Symmetry has helped us service our community in the most optimum way,” said Chief Higgins.
For over the first two years of the project, an AMAG engineer worked onsite with the Yale team. He helped manage the software conversion, interface creation and hardware conversion. Issues were resolved quickly and a strong relationship established.
“Our relationship with AMAG Technology is a true partnership,” said Boyd. “They work closely with us through each phase of our upgrade and listen to what we need to success- fully secure our campus. I value the relation- ship and recommend
Symmetry for any cam-
pus environment.”
Kim Rahfaldt is the pub- lic relations manager at AMAG Technology.