Page 19 - spaces4learning, Summer 2022
P. 19

Determine Needs and Expectations
Any project will go much smoother when there is an early agreement from
campus decision makers. Talk with top administrators and the IT group to determine needs, existing capabilities, and expectations. Don’t forget the faculty, campus staff, security personnel, students, and parents too. They will live with the plan every day and likely offer valuable insight. Consider reaching out to your local first responders too. They are another great source of security information.
The support of these groups is critical, so keep them regularly updated as the plan is implemented. You want to get things done right the first time. Since most campuses are working with limited financial resources, effort in the early stages could help save time and money during the run of the project.
Tailor a Plan
With input from your top stakeholders, you’re ready to start thinking about
equipment, budgets, and new policies.
But security is not sold as an off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all plan. This means you will likely be working with a security integrator to tailor a plan specifically for your campus.
Get Best Practices from Experts
our Campus Security eBook helps
guide you through the best practices for keeping students and your
schools safe. in-depth guide includes considerations you want to factor in when outlining a plan. From assessing risk to choosing an integrator, you will find our free eBook a useful resource.
Learn more

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