Page 29 - spaces4learning, November/December 2019
P. 29

S4L: Technology is playing an ever more ubiquitous role in all aspects of education, including facilities, learning space design and teaching and learning itself. How large a part of this year’s conference was technology, and how do you see it expanding in the future?
McGarry: Yes, we see tech- nology playing a larger role, as it is thoroughly embedded into every aspect of education. That’s why
we created the new Knowledge Partnerships with AVIXA, the Au- diovisual and Integrated Experience Association, and ATLIS, the As- sociation of Technology Leaders in Independent Schools. The number of vendors showing integrated tech products is growing as more schools bring their tech experts to EDspac- es. We even had a VR specialty space to highlight its use in design. We definitely see an expanding role of technology in the future.
We’ve integrated new technology into our own conference management, using artificial intelligence to connect attendees with relevant education sessions, peers and products through the EDspaces app. We launched it via our registration and mobile app, providing suggested connections to participants, making the EDspaces experience more meaningful.
S4L: A lot of the focus on
this year’s show was K–12. Do you see it growing to include an equal focus on higher education as well? Can you discuss that? McGarry: About 20 percent of the education attendees were from higher ed institutions. This is growing every year. We are encour- aging their participation through the types of vendors on the exhibit floor that they can see nowhere else as well as the specific higher ed sessions and tours of cutting-edge buildings on higher-ed campuses.
S4L: What do you see as the major trends you’ll be spotlight-
ing at your conferences over the next few years? And do you have any new types of events you’ll be hosting?
McGarry: In Charlotte in 2020 we have plans to highlight a few new areas. We’re excited to continue to expand the technology presence and look to create an area that will showcase what’s coming next. We also know that there’s a growing need to create spaces for students with special needs, so we are going to build out an area to allow a conversation about designing for these types of areas. And lastly, as the interior designer attendees grow, we are going to focus more on the finishes and materials they can specify that work best in the high-use education environments.
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