Page 34 - OHS, October 2024
P. 34

Cold Protection: How Glove Liners Keep Hands Warm and Safe
As cold weather approaches, it’s crucial for workers to protect their hands. What types of
liners and waterproofi ng used in cold-resistant safety gloves help ensure warmth, comfort,
and safety on the job?
need more than just mechanical protection for their
With cold weather just around the corner, workers
hands—they also need to keep their hands warm and
dry in freezing temperatures to do their job.
One way glove manufacturers achieve this is by using liners that
serve as an additional layer in safety gloves to enhance comfort,
warmth, and protection to minimize the risk of injuries caused by
exposure to cold and wet conditions—injuries that can range any-
where from irritation and damage to the skin to numbness, lack of
mobility, hypothermia, and frostbite.
In this article we will take a closer look at the diff erent types of
glove liners and waterproofi ng techniques used in cold-resistant
safety gloves.
Lining for Insulation
Glove insulation prevents the external temperature from interfer-
ing with the hand’s temperature—also known as thermal control.
Th e most common glove liners used to keep workers’ hands warm
Acrylic/fl eece liners – Ideal for when the temperature starts to
drop, making them the most common lightweight options. Th ey
are warmer than cotton or foam lining and less bulky than other
insulations. Gloves with acrylic or fl eece liners can also be suffi -
cient for indoor workspaces that are kept at cooler temperatures.
Th insulate - Breathable and moisture-resistant insulator that off ers
optimum warmth in cold environments. It is eff ective at trapping
air and keeping hands warm while allowing moisture to scape.
Th insulate liners are better for warmth when compared to fl eece,
but it is also more costly. Th e level of Th insulate used for lining
is measured in GSM (grams per square meter), which describes
the thickness of the liner. Typically, 100 GSM is suffi cient to keep
hands warm without sacrifi cing dexterity in temperatures down
to -25°C. Heavy-duty cold-resistant gloves require approximately
200 GSM lining, which makes the gloves thicker and heavier, and
consequently less dexterous.
Lining for Waterproofi ng
Membrane liners, also known as impermeable liners, are used for
waterproofi ng safety gloves. A layer of waterproof membrane is
inserted into the gloves to create a barrier that prohibits the water
drops from passing through. Th is helps keep the hands comfort-
able and dry in wet working conditions.
Th ere are two commonly used construction methods to achieve
waterproofi ng gloves:
1. Double-layer construction. Double-layer construction
method features a waterproof outer membrane and an inner layer
for comfort. Th e inner layer also off ers breathability and helps wick
moisture away from the wearer’s hands. Th ese types of waterproof
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gloves are also lightweight and less bulky.
One apparent drawback of the double-layer construction
method is that if the outer layer is damaged, it compromises the
waterproofi ng of the gloves.
2. Triple-layer construction. In the triple-layer construction
method, the membrane is sandwiched between an outer protective
layer and an inner liner. Th e outer layer is usually made of materi-
als that off er mechanical protection like cut, puncture, abrasion,
etc., whereas the inner layer (nylon or cotton) is intended for com-
fort and breathability. Materials like nylon and cotton are popular
choices for the inner layer. Th e most commonly used material for
the membrane is polyethylene.
Th is triple-layer design is considered the most durable and
breathable. Th e way the membrane is fastened in between the two
layers diff ers for diff erent types of safety gloves—either inserted or
laminated between outer and inner layers.
To learn more about cold-resistant gloves, including safety
standard used to verify cold protection and important questions
to ask before choosing the right gloves, read a comprehensive cold
protection guide at
Th is story was prepared by Ontario, Canada-headquartered Superior
Glove, which designs and manufactures safety gloves, sleeves, and
complementary PPE. With team members across Canada, the United
States and Mexico, Superior Glove serves customers globally.
34 Occupational Health & Safety | OCTOBER 2024

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