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them know that proper audio-visual health — like most aspects of
workplace safety — aff ects everyone around them and requires a
full-team eff ort.
4. Put People in Positions to Th rive
Th e reality is that not everyone will have 20/20 vision (with or
without corrective lenses) or perfect hearing. It’s the responsibility
of site leadership to put workers in positions where those that have
impairments are away from more hazardous spaces. For example,
if someone has issues with depth perception and is around large
cranes or heavy machinery, putting them in a position where they
are on the ground and can still be eff ective in their role will benefi t
everyone on site. In all cases, however, mandating that everyone
wear their protective eye and ear equipment is critical.
5. Introduce Signage and Reminders
Everyone forgets to wear protective equipment from time to
time. It happens. Having plenty of signage and other visual cues to
remind the workforce to wear protective equipment can be benefi -
cial. Today, many workplaces even introduce signage on the fl oor,
in the bathroom and on the walls to remind workers about the
need for vision and hearing protection. Instituting PPE remind-
ers or pep talks as part of pre-shift routines is also a good way to
ensure no one forgets the need for protection.
6. Set an Example
Let’s face it: if workers see leaders not wearing their eye and ear
protection, many will assume it’s not important to the workplace.
While the onus for wearing protective equipment — and doing so
correctly — is on the individual, setting an example and sharing di-
rect reminders to individuals is part of what being a leader means.
While it can seem like pestering, there is no going overboard when
it comes to ensuring worker safety.
7. Provide Options
If people don’t like something or fi nd it to be uncomfortable,
they won’t wear it. Today, there are plenty of diff erent eye and ear
protection shapes and sizes. Providing workers with multiple op-
tions allows people to fi nd the protection style they’re most com-
fortable with and leads to higher levels of compliance.
Today, there are no more excuses for workers not to wear
proper ear and eye protection. Th ey are key parts of the workplace
safety equation and help keep everyone safer on the jobsite.
Christopher Sintic, PA-C, is a Senior Division Manager, Advanced
Practice Division, at Pivot Onsite Innovations, where he works to re-
view, design and consult on the creation of occupational health services
for companies across a broad spectrum of industries. Jon Hansen, PA-
C, is a Division Manager, Advanced Practice Division, at Pivot Onsite
Innovations, where he directs the clinical
workfl ow of multiple occupational health
clinics and provides medical education
and presentations to healthcare profes-
sionals and clients.
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A LIVE DEMONSTRATION OCTOBER 2024 | Occupational Health & Safety 25

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