Page 16 - OHS, October 2024
P. 16

I H : H A Z A R D C O M M U N I C A T I O N
Hazard Communication Standards for Pharmaceuticals
Th e pharmaceutical industry must prioritize enhancing chemical safety and hazard
communication standards to protect its workers eff ectively.
taking prescription medications daily. It must function ef-
The pharmaceutical industry supports millions of people
fi ciently to keep up with demand, which starts with pro-
tecting its workers. Chemical safety and hazard commu-
nication standards for drugs can always improve, allowing people
working in the sector to protect themselves and their teams.
OSHA created the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS)
to ensure chemical manufacturers placed hazard labels1 on prod-
ucts and communicated protective measures to their employees.
It’s much easier to avoid accidents if everyone knows what they’re
working with, how to handle it and the health risks of exposure.
Ways to Improve Hazcom with Team Members
Although OSHA regulatory compliance is mandatory, pharma-
ceutical leaders can always improve hazard communications with
their teams, extending safety information beyond annual training.
1. Create updated Safety Data Sheets. OSHA requires distrib-
utors and manufacturers to utilize HCS data sheets2 on all chemi-
cal products. Th ey make safety standards and response strategies
easily visible, but the information can become outdated if teams
don’t revise aft er each companywide manufacturing update.
Reviewing and revising data sheets regularly can be part of any
pharmaceutical leadership team, preventing lapses in hazard iden-
tifi cation aft er chemical handling or machinery changes.
2. Make labels more informative. HCS labels are another op-
portunity for improved communication standards for pharma-
ceutical companies. Th e labels are part of OSHA’s ongoing eff ort
to make safety eff orts visible3 to everyone in a chemical manufac-
turing or processing environment. Team leaders can create more
informative labels by including chemical-specifi c response plans
to go with the already pictured hazard pictograms.
Individuals making products with a commonly used chemical
like dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) may be comfortable around the
organic solvent. Familiarity can cause lapses in retaining safety de-
tails. Team members may take safety precautions more seriously if
a corresponding HCS label for DMSO containers includes specifi c
wording regarding the skin irritation that occurs4 aft er exposure.
3. Include safety training information on easily visible signage.
Annual or biannual safety training occurs in most workplaces. It’s
an easy way to remind team members of precautionary measures
and response strategies they learned during new hire training.
However, people oft en forget these details as they work. Hanging
additional safety signage around the workplace reduces the odds of
someone forgetting their training and having an accident.
Standard Chemical Safety Measures
Specifi c chemical safety measures diff er from general communica-
tion standards, and the pharmaceutical industry uses them daily.
Many are within active machinery and soft ware, but workplace
leaders can use other means to prevent accidents more eff ectively.
Mia Barnes is a professional freelance
writer and researcher who specializes
in workplace health, mental health sup-
port and employee wellness.
Ways to Further Protect Pharmaceutical Workers
Individuals handling, packaging or otherwise working with chem-
icals could always benefi t from increased safety measures. Th ese
ideas will better protect pharmaceutical employees at every level.
1. Schedule additional ventilation system inspections. Work-
places dealing with chemicals already have ventilation systems to
ensure clean air quality. International Society for Pharmaceutical
Engineering (ISPE) standards make ventilation functional5 in each
unique workplace, along with additional guidelines for non-sterile
products6 from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Reducing the concentration of airborne contaminants is essen-
tial, especially aft er a hazardous spill or leak. Additional ventilation
system inspections are crucial to maintaining breathable air. No
one will worry about their system’s effi cacy if spills occur.
2. Enforce widespread use of containment measures. Th e
American Chemical Society (ACS) published updated safety
guidelines7 for chemical containment in 2015. Th ose in pharma-
ceutical leadership positions can more proactively enforce those
measures in the workplace by assigning responsibilities to each
team member. Exposure will be minimal in an accident if indi-
viduals routinely inspect reagent quantities, fume hood activation
and glove box seals.
3. Upgrade personal protective equipment. Th e ACS also pro-
vides guidelines for using personal protective equipment8 (PPE) in
laboratories or manufacturing facilities. Standard items like gog-
gles, gloves and disposable respirators are essential, but leadership
teams can also upgrade their on-site equipment to protect their
team members further.
Masks made with the latest nanofi bers prevent the inhalation
of 99.9 percent of aerosolized particles9 compared to previous
masks made with cloth. Safety helmets in manufacturing facili-
ties could feature nylon or kevlar fi bers10 instead of traditional stiff
polycarbonate. Th e initial investment would keep employees safe
while dealing with chemicals and manufacturing machinery.
Make Safety Compliance
an Ongoing Effort
Anyone can improve the chemical
safety and hazard communication
standards in a pharmaceutical work-
place. Th e initiative and eff ort make
everyone safer on the job and ensure
production stays on track by prevent-
ing accidents.
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