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                               Regular updates and monitoring ensure that the organization remains compliant with the latest regulations and can promptly address any changes in the legal landscape. Schedule regular reviews, such as quarterly or biannually, to maintain an up-to-date legal registry. Ad- ditionally, designate specifific individuals or teams responsible for con- ducting these reviews to ensure the review process is more thorough and reliable. While automated systems are highly effective, manual verification is also essential. Designated compliance staff should cross- check the automated updates to ensure accuracy and completeness.
Performing Audits and Compliance Checks
Regular audits and compliance checks are vital for verifying that the legal registry is accurate and comprehensive.
■ Conduct internal audits regularly to ensure the legal registry accurately reflects all applicable regulations.
■ Use the findings from these audits to improve the compliance management process. Regularly updating the compliance strategy based on audit results helps maintain a robust legal registry.
Continuous monitoring of the regulatory landscape is essential to stay ahead of any changes that could impact compliance.5 Sub- scribe to regulatory alerts and updates from relevant government agencies, industry bodies and professional groups.6
Future Trends of Legal Compliance
A proactive compliance strategy considers future develop- ments. Here are some future trends to watch:
■ Increasing complexity of regulations. Regulations are be-
coming increasingly complex, with more stringent requirements across various industries. Organizations need to stay ahead of these changes to ensure compliance.
■ Integration of technology in compliance management. Technology plays a signifificant role in compliance management, making it more efficient and effective. AI and machine learning are integrated into compliance management systems to predict com- pliance issues and automate routine tasks.
■ Continued focus on ESG compliance. Ensuring that a legal registry includes all relevant ESG regulations, particularly those aligned with global standards such as the GRI and the SASB, will alert organizations to potential non-compliance.7
The benefits of maintaining a legal registry far outweigh the chal-
            lenges. By leveraging technology and good internal practices, businesses can ensure that their legal registries are always current, reducing the risk of non-compliance and enabling proactive management of regulatory changes.
Martin Bermudez is a Principal Con- sultant at BSI Group.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
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SEPTEMBER 2024 | Occupational Health & Safety 71

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