Page 34 - OHS, July/August 2024
P. 34

                  PPE: PPE FOR WOMEN
     Loose-fitting apparel can get caught in machinery, compromising worker safety, which highlights the importance of properly fitting PPE.
women-specific sizes. Maintaining an inven- tory that includes PPE in various sizes de- signed for women’s bodies is crucial. This en- sures that all female employees, regardless of their body type, can find PPE that fits them properly. An inclusive range of sizes helps in providing better protection and comfort.
Another critical step is to encourage feedback from female workers. Employers should actively seek out and listen to the experiences and suggestions of their female employees regarding PPE fit and comfort. By continuously collecting and acting on feedback, employers can make informed adjustments to their PPE offerings.
Finally, collaboration with suppliers is essential to ensure a steady supply of ap- propriately sized PPE for women. Employ- ers should work closely with their suppliers to source women-specific PPE and address any shortages or gaps in availability.
Properly fitting PPE is essential for the safety and comfort of all workers, especially women. By providing women-specific PPE, employers can ensure their workforce is pro- tected and compliant with safety standards. The future of PPE design must focus on ex- panding options for women to create a safer and more inclusive work environment.
Employers, manufacturers, and regula- tors must prioritize the development and provision of women-specific PPE. Share your experiences and suggestions to help drive further improvements in PPE for women. Together, we can ensure that all workers, regardless of size or gender, are protected on the job.
Gina Godeen is a Content Editor at J. J. Keller & Associates who joined the EHS publishing team in 2023. She began her career in safety by earning a Master’s degree in Environmen- tal Health and Safety from the University of Minnesota Duluth in 2014. Gina has 10 years of hands-on experience as a safety manager in the construction, mining, and manufactur- ing industries. She specializes in writing topics related to Lockout/Tagout (LOTO), Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), confined spaces, and working from heights.
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  dents when handling tools and equipment. Properly designed gloves for women should fit snugly, allowing for better control and comfort.
Footwear is another critical area where gender-specific design is necessary. Wom- en’s feet are often narrower with higher arch- es compared to men’s feet. Safety shoes and boots that do not consider these differences can lead to discomfort, poor posture, and even long-term musculoskeletal problems.
Personal anecdotes and recent survey data confirm the unsafe reality of ill-fitting PPE in the workplace.
A recent survey2 from J.J. Keller showed that 84 percent of female respondents ex- plained that they have found proper fit to be a challenge. In total, 50 percent said that they “regularly” have trouble finding well- fitting PPE, while 34 percent said it hap- pens “once in a while.” Only 16 women said they’ve never experienced this problem.
PPE must be designed based on female anthropometric data to ensure that it fits correctly and provides adequate protec- tion. The failure to recognize and address these differences can lead to increased risk of injury and reduced PPE compliance among female workers.
By prioritizing the unique anatomical requirements of women, employers (and manufacturers) can help enhance safety, comfort, and productivity in the workplace.
Recent Advancements
in Women-Specific PPE
Fortunately, many manufacturers now offer PPE specifically designed for women. These innovations have addressed the unique ana- tomical needs of women, ensuring better fit, comfort, and protection. Examples of such advancements are provided below.
High-Visibility Apparel: Manufactur- ers now offer high-visibility vests designed with women’s body shapes in mind. These vests often come in various styles, such as
lime or orange polyester mesh with a draw- string waist and zipper enclosure. These options not only ensure that workers are highly visible but also that the vests fit com- fortably, enhancing safety and compliance.
Hand Protection: Women’s gloves have seen considerable improvements in recent years. Designed for improved grip, extra warmth, or abrasion and cut protection, these gloves come in sizes ranging from ex- tra small to double extra-large.
Eye Protection: Safety glasses are now available in different shapes and sizes to fit various facial structures. These glasses cater to the unique facial dimensions of women, providing a secure and comfortable fit that doesn’t slip off the user’s nose, helping pre- vent eye injuries.
Foot Protection: Safety shoes have also advanced to be specifically tailored to wom- en’s foot sizes. Proper fitting footwear helps prevent injuries related to poor fit, such as slips, trips, and falls. These shoes provide better support and comfort, reducing the risk of long-term musculoskeletal issues.
Overall, these advancements in wom- en-specific PPE represent a significant step forward in workplace safety and inclusivity. By offering a wide range of properly fitting PPE options, manufacturers are helping to ensure that women are adequately protect- ed, comfortable, and efficient in their roles.
Recommendations for Employers
Employers should take several important steps moving forward:
First, it is essential to conduct regular PPE assessments. These evaluations should focus specifically on the needs of female employees, identifying any gaps or inad- equacies in the current PPE offerings. By regularly assessing these needs, employ- ers can stay ahead of potential issues and ensure that all workers have access to the necessary protective equipment.
Next, employers should stock a variety of
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