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TABLE OF CONTENTS 30 Does Your Training Content and Software Align with OSHA Regulations? Effective workplace training should include the right training software and content to ensure compliance and enhance workplace safety. WELDING 40 Breathing Easy: Top 10 Welding Fume Collection Considerations Implementing effective welding fume control ensures employee health and compliance with regulatory standards. By Jill James By Brian Richardson 32 SUMMER HAZARDS 32 3 Effective Strategies to Avoid Heat Stress With the right hydration products and PPE for your workplace, you can keep workers cool, comfortable and heat stress-free. By Ben Julian EMERGENCY SHOWERS & EYEWASH 36 The Rise of Portable Eyewash Stations When and why to opt for portable eyewash solutions; the role of the portable eyewash station in dynamic workplace challenges; and real-world scenarios where portable eyewash stations helped. 43 By Herbert Post 43 Changing Times, Changing Workplaces How does the shift to remote work impact your company’s evolving strategies for implementing effective drug testing policies for your remote employees? By Yvette Farnsworth Baker, Esq. departments 38 EMPLOYEE SCREENING & TESTING FALL PROTECTION 38 Ascending Safely 8 From the Editor 46 New Products 47 Product Spotlights 49 Advertiser Index 50 Breakthrough Strategies by Robert Pater Twitter Facebook LinkedIn occupational-health-and-safety- magazine Why choosing stairs over ladders is the smarter choice for rooftop safety. By Dan Huntington 6 Occupational Health & Safety | FEBRUARY/MARCH 2024