Page 86 - OHS, June 2023
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HEARING PROTECTION T Ty y p p e e s s o o f fH H e e a a r ri i n ng g L L o os s s s p Association, these three basic types are conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss and mixed hearing loss.2 1. Conductive hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss occurs when sound cannot make it through the outer and middle ear to reach the inner ear. With this type of hearing loss, it becomes harder to hear soft sounds and louder sounds may be muffled. Oftentimes, medication or surgery can fix conductive hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss can be caused by the following: ■ Fluid in the middle ear caused by colds/allergies ■ Ear infection ■ Poor Eustachian tube (connects the middle ear to noise) function ■ Hole in eardrum ■ Benign tumors ■ Earwax stuck in the ear canal ■ Swimmer’s ear infection ■ Object stuck in the outer ear ■ Deformation of the outer or middle ear 2. Sensorineural hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by inner ear damage, such as problems with the nerve pathways from the inner ear to the brain. This is the most common type of hearing loss and is oftentimes permanent. However, hearing aids may help with this type of degradation. A A c c c co or rd di in ng gt to ot th he eA Am m e er ri ic ca an nS Sp e e e e c ch h- -L L a an ng gu ua a g ge e- -H H e ea ar ri in n g g Noise-Induced Hearing Loss is the only 100 percent preventable type of hearing loss. However, once the damage has occurred, it is irreversible. Understanding noise hazards and protecting your workers in a high-noise work environment can go a long way to avoiding incidences of NIHL. 84 Occupational Health & Safety | JUNE 2023 U06n2ti3tloehds-9_9Gra1ceIndustries_.5H_r2.indd 1 75/2/92/232 84:3048 APM