Page 38 - OHS, May 2022
P. 38

An Overview of Emergency Showers and Eyewashes
PPE may be the first line of defense, but accidental exposures can still happen.
Personal protective equipment, such as gloves, safety goggles and face shields are the first line of defense against many types of
exposures, but accidental exposures can still happen. If a person in your facility could be exposed to materials that cause injury to the eyes or skin, then appropriate facilities for the flushing of the eyes and/or body shall be provided for immediate de- contamination.
Best Practices
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard Z358.1 serves as a guide for the correct design, installation, use and maintenance of emergency eyewash and shower equipment. This standard recommends that the effected body part must be flushed immediately and thoroughly for at least 15 minutes using a large supply of clean water. In cases where water can’t neutralize them, flushing fluid under low pressure can be used to dilute the contaminates. If the irritation persists, the flushing procedure should be repeated, and medical attention should be given as soon as possible. Take the SDS sheet with you so the medical staff know the chemical that the user was exposed to.
The severity of an eye injury is not always equal to the amount of pain. Some
chemicals don’t cause severe symptoms but can still cause serious damage to the eye. Depending on the severity of the exposure, you may need to seek immediate medical assistance. The strength of the acid or bases and time of exposure are important factors in determining how severe the damage is. Contact with a strong acid or base for just a short time, or a weaker concentration for a longer time can both present a hazard. Contact with an acid is generally felt immediately, while contact with a base may have a delayed reaction but cause more severe injury.
Accessibility is key when trying to determine the location of the emergency equipment. The equipment needs to be located so it can be reached within 10 seconds walking time or within approximately 55 feet. Keep in mind that the person traveling may be injured or impaired and may have limited vision. Equipment should be installed at the same floor level as the hazard, no stairs or ramps should hamper access. Pathways should be clear and free of any obstructions. The location must be marked by highly visible signage, which displays an easily identifiable symbol, so as to eliminate any language barriers. The area should also be
well lit. If there are shut off valves on the water supply going to the decontamination booth, arrangements should be in place to stop unwarranted supply shutoff.
If more than one worker might be exposed to hazardous chemicals at the same time, it may require more than one emergency shower and eye/face wash be installed. A visual or audible alarm can be used to alert other workers when the emergency shower is activated. This allows other workers to be alerted to the needs of the injured party and assist them in getting into the emergency shower if their sight is impaired.
Some environments may require special considerations. In areas where the only possible place to install emergency safety showers is in a hallway or a corridor, it is recommended that eye wash/face wash drench hose units be located by sinks. By using a combination of eye/face wash and emergency showers, the person exposed can receive both immediate and/ or long-term drenching.
Flushing Fluid
In cases where plumbed water is not accessible, a self-contained personal wash station can be implemented. Personal wash stations cannot take the place of plumbed emergency eyewash stations; however, they can be used in combination with an ANSI compliant 15-minute supply station. Personal wash stations use a buffered saline solution which must be monitored and changed by the expiration date, otherwise the fluid can become contaminated and possibly cause serious damage to the eyes that it is flushing. When there is potential for dust or other types of debris, eye/face wash dust covers should be installed. When activated, the water pressure pushes the cap off and then drenches the user.
The flushing fluid is defined as any potable water, buffered saline solution or medically acceptable solution. Drinking water or potable water is defined as “water of sufficiently high quality that it can be consumed or used with low risk of immediate or long term harm.”1
34 Occupational Health & Safety | MAY 2022
Fabian Junge/

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