Page 45 - OHS, April 2022
P. 45

Feeling Awkward
An awkward posture can be a long-term ergonomic disaster. Individuals working in an awkward posture forgo working within their body’s neutral position. Instead, they fifind themselves in a posture which requires more muscular effffort and provides less functional stability at the joints. As awkward postures continue, feet can become fatigued leading to pronation, allowing joint stress at the knees, hips and lower back region to grow.
Increasing support through insoles will boost the neutral arch of the feet, reducing pronation and anterior tilting of the pelvis, caused by fatigue. It’s critical that employees receive individualized support, based on their arch type, to ensure maximum efficacy.
The pandemic has shifted from sprinting towards a finish line, to living in a marathon of ever fluctuating change. Frontline workers have been left to discover a new balance within their lives, regardless of the increased physical and emotional stress brought forth by the pandemic. Providing these dedicated workers with proper foot protection should be a moral obligation to businesses. Furthermore, it’s an opportunity to increase employee engagement and satisfaction. Improving foot protection through enhanced support and comfort demonstrates a company’s core values and shows employees that their health and safety is the greatest priority.
Dr. Kevan OMCrvOiHt&zSisMtAhrecFh2o2unAderv4&-PHreRsPi.dpednft of 1MEG20A2C2-o0m3-fo0r4t In1c0. :03
MEGAComfort provides clinically proven and field tested Insoles which are ergonomically designed by a doctor to proactively combat pain and fatigue.
Certain workplace conditions influence these factors which contribute to MSDs.
Force Repetition Posture Balance Learn More
The pandemic has shifted from sprinting towards a finish line,
to living in a marathon of ever fluctuating change.
still experience this hazard in a manner that everyone can rela
tYe to. Prolonged sitting increases stress within the spine, and simply
walking on the ground leads to an exertion of force that is, based on our footwear and reactive forces.
These examples highlight two different work environments dealing with the same hazard: force. On the surface it appears that this ergonomic hazard is just a fact of life. However, surveys show that insoles can provide comfort and help reduce pain and fatigue. Offering employees insoles with improved shock absorption can help eliminate the detrimental impact of force. Anti-fatigue insoles work to absorb the downward force of gravity, as well as external load forces, minimizing strain on the joints and spine.
APRIL 2022 | Occupational Health & Safety 41
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