Page 68 - OHS, October 2021
P. 68

Worn Well—Everything You Need to Know
about Replacing Work Boots
While proper maintenance and care can extend the lifespan of footwear, there will still ultimately be a time when every work boot meets the end of the road.
No one likes saying goodbye to a reliable pair of work boots, but it is important for workers to understand when it may be time to start looking for a replacement. Worn out boots are a safety hazard that can also create
problems when it comes to the health of your feet.
There are clear signs that those favorite work boots might be
wearing out to the point of needing replacement, key identifiers of foot health being in jeopardy and best practices that should always be kept in mind when it comes to maintaining and extending the lifespan of work boots. When it ultimately does become time to start looking for a new pair of boots, there are also important considerations before making a purchase.
When Enough is Enough
While proper maintenance and care can extend the lifespan of footwear, there will still ultimately be a time when every work boot meets the end of the road. This should not be a mystery, as there are several key indicators your boots may have had enough:
Delamination. Delamination of the outsole happens when the cement construction wears out due to either the age of the glue or exposure to caustic materials for lengths of time. The best ways to combat delamination are to remain cognizant of caustic materials that might come into contact with your boots or to look for either a direct attach or Goodyear welted product that is built to withstand more caustic work environments and materials.
64 Occupational Health & Safety | OCTOBER 2021
Drazen Zigic/

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