Page 32 - OHS, September 2021
P. 32

Electrical PPE: Five Tips
for a Successful Wear Trial
Many safety professionals are starting to realize that if they upgrade their programs to the new generation of products, wearer acceptance can increase dramatically.
It is very encouraging to see how much electric arc flash safety has advanced over the past 20 years. The NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace has been updated several times since it first put a major spotlight on the arc flash
hazard in the 2000 edition. Over the years, thousands of electrical contractors, utilities, commercial and industrial companies have implemented programs to protect workers from arc flash hazards, and the injury statistics prove it is working. There is still a long way to go though, and many workers continue to complain about having to wear electrical PPE because they think it will negatively impact their ability to perform important electrical tasks.
Fortunately, many manufacturers have improved the comfort, performance and functionality of PPE to help take this concern off the table. However, the majority of electrical PPE on the market today is still from an earlier generation of products that are notoriously heavy, hot, uncomfortable and often obstruct visibility.
This electrical PPE is also difficult to put on and take off and it can be very restrictive, slowing workers down.
Many safety professionals are starting to realize that if they upgrade their programs to the new generation of products, wearer acceptance can increase dramatically and people will more routinely wear it when it is required. This will not only help companies stay in compliance, but it will also better protect workers so they can go home in the same condition they came to work. At the end of the day, this is the top priority for safety professionals.
As companies look to upgrade their PPE to the new generation of products, it is important to fully evaluate additional options to compare to your existing gear before making a purchase. The idea of upgrading your PPE is important for several reasons. One good reason is that electrical PPE can last five years or more, so these products will be with you and your employees for many years. In fact, we routinely see products that are more than 10
28 Occupational Health & Safety | SEPTEMBER 2021
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