Page 22 - OHS, January/February 2021
P. 22

Preventing Slip and Fall Injuries in the Oil & Gas Industry
Keeping employees on their feet takes more than a casual reminder to “watch your step.”
Harsh environmental conditions are unavoidable when working on outdoor well pads. Add in slippery well pad liners, heavy
equipment operation, long working hours, demanding ergonomic tasks and a host of other potential hazards and it is little won- der that slip, trip and fall injuries are a lead- ing cause of lost work time.
In fact, the Department of the Interior estimates that about 23 percent of worker injuries and 36 percent of fatalities in the oil and gas industry are due to slips, trips and falls. Keeping employees on their feet takes more than a casual reminder to “watch your step” during daily toolbox talks.
Although each site has unique charac- teristics and hazards, identifying and elimi- nating common causes of slip and fall in- juries minimizes risk and the potential for slip, trip and fall injuries.
Maintenance and
Good Housekeeping
Keeping tools and equipment in good con- dition is a challenge, especially when op- erations are running 24/7. However, failure to regularly maintain these items can lead to unsafe conditions. Pumps, valves and fittings that aren’t maintained can develop leaks, which creates puddles that make walking surfaces unsafe.
Lack of maintenance can also lead to
other unsafe conditions. For example, poorly maintained hydraulic systems can fail, create spills and potentially release flu- ids under high pressure.
Even when they are operating correct- ly, pumps, grease recovery units, pump trucks, blenders and just about everything else onsite tends to leak. This means that both the equipment as well as the areas around each piece get covered with oil and grease. Non-slip grating helps to improve traction, but can be overwhelmed if the areas aren’t routinely cleaned.
Tools, equipment, cords, cables, pack- ing materials and supplies that are scattered around the well pad instead of being kept in toolboxes or in designated areas present tripping hazards. Making time to reorga- nize storage areas and tidy up both work and storage areas at the beginning or end of each shift can prevent trip hazards from piling up. It will also help to keep walkways, aisles and lanes clear for both foot and ve- hicle traffic. An added bonus of organized workspaces is that time is not lost looking for needed tools and supplies.
Unless it is part of an established and enforced procedure, good housekeeping usually doesn’t happen on its own, espe- cially on sites with high employee turnover. If good practices need to be established, it is helpful to provide training and assign each person with specific tasks to complete
so that accountability can be maintained. Another often overlooked good housekeeping measure is inspecting and maintaining steps, ladders, guardrails, catwalk and work platforms. These are all areas that can be easily overlooked. Even if they are designed or coated with slip- resistant surfaces or preparations, dirt, spilled liquids and ice can quickly build up and negate the slip-resistant proper-
ties if they aren’t regularly maintained.
Environmental Constraints
Despite what many news outlets lead the public to believe, most oil and gas compa- nies strive to be good environmental stew- ards. Even if it isn’t an inherent part of their corporate culture, strict environmental regulations compel them to avoid polluting our nation’s natural resources.
A key feature at oil and gas explora- tion, drilling and refining sites is a second- ary containment system that is designed to prevent liquids from leaving the site. These systems typically surround all of the tools, equipment and supplies onsite, creating a giant pool. They are sized to capture worst-case scenario spills as well as rainwater and snowmelt.
Secondary containment systems are great for protecting the environment and safeguarding against the pollution that can be caused by a large spill. However, they contribute to slippery puddles caused by rain and snow, as well as leaks from con- tainers, tanks, pumps and equipment.
Well pad operators can handle the accumulation of rainwater or snowmelt in different ways. At some sites, they are able to slope the entire pad so that water drains and collects at one end where it can be managed. Some sites drain water to a retention pond.
Other sites use pump trucks that ride all over the site and vacuum the water. Sites that incorporate newer technologies use filter valves that allow them to release the water and capture any trace amounts of pollutants, such as oil or fuel residuals.
Regardless of the method used, promptly removing any standing water that has pooled helps to prevent slip and fall in-
18 Occupational Health & Safety | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021
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