Page 85 - OHS, June 2020
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organizations and viewpoints participated in the revision of 2019. Z10.0-2019 uses a “systems-thinking” approach, recognizing that an organization’s processes are dynamic and interrelated. It requires that organizations have or support critical processes that take the interrelationships into account to optimize outcomes. The Z10.0-2019 factors in both technological and social factors that can influence performance. It requires having occupational health and safety (OHS) policies and objectives and ensuring that necessary processes are in place to achieve those objectives and continually improve OHS. The requirements are largely macro in nature and provide organizations with flexibility in their fulfillment. Z10.0- 2019 emphasizes systems and how they are managed, as opposed to being about individual programs (e.g. energy control/lock-tag- try). Hazard and OSHA-specific programs can be needed to ad-
dress OHS issues, but they are not at the center of “this” standard. An OHSMS is, then, the system that an organization puts into place that supports an OHS policy, provides for both achieving objectives and continual improvement. Organizations wanting to claim conformance to a particular OHSMS standard must meet the
requirements of that standard.
Some people have (erroneously) presumed that the 2019 revi-
sion of Z10 (Z10.0-2019) is a minor update to this Plan-Do-Check- Act based management system. After all, the first Z10 was pub- lished in 2005, revised in 2012, and then again in 2019. However,
this is not the case! The revised standard incorporates several im- portant new concepts and changes in emphasis.
Z10.0-2019 still has an Annex with Explanatory and Advisory text but is now also supplemented by “Guidance” documents that contain a significant amount of new and helpful information. One of these is the ASSP GM-Z10.100-2019: Guidance and Implemen- tation Manual for ANSI/ASSP Z10.0-2019, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. This great addition includes a primer on systems thinking as well as important and evolving safe- ty concepts such as for dynamic systems, the “New View of Safety,” fatal and serious injury and illness prevention, occupational health considerations and others. It provides a concise compendium of related background information.
The other supplemental document is ASSP GM-Z10.101-2019: Guidance Manual: Keep Your People Safe in Smaller Organiza- tions. This is a guidance manual that is designed for small- and medium-sized enterprises. It contains down to earth and practical approaches to systems implementation for organizations that may not have the resources or infrastructure of larger organizations. Z10.101 has been well received and is available for free download from (search for “Z10.101”).
So, What Is in the Revised Standard?
Structurally, the standard was converted into a single-column for-
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