Page 37 - Occupational Health & Safety, January/February 2019
P. 37

A second research paper from the National Safety Council, published in 2017, “Making the Case for Contractor Management: Examining the Safety Benefits of Third-Party Management,”3 is a follow-up study about the Campbell Institute member belief that utilizing a third-party provider results in better safety performance for host employer contractors.
A subset of the contractor database from BROWZ, LLC (third- party service provider) was made available to the National Safety Council to conduct an independent research study. The research examined the impact of third-party contractor management, dem- onstrating that contractors who were part of a managed program outperformed national industry averages, including:
■ Total Recordable Rate (TRR): 34 percent better than nation- al average
■ Days Away, Restricted, Transferred Rate (DART): 46 per- cent better than national average
■ Lost Workday Rate (LWD): 65 percent better than national average
The study also concluded that contractors who remain in the program outpace industry safety improvement by 16 percent.
While the research quantified the Campbell Institute member belief that utilizing a third-party service provider makes a positive impact on contractor safety performance, the significance of the research is that when the stakeholders of contractor management work together (host employers, contractors, and third-party ser-
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vice providers), better safety outcomes can be expected.
Contractor Management Beyond Compliance
As has been demonstrated, organizations that invest in contractor qualification will see measurable safety results. This is true for both host employers and members of their supply chain. Beyond these investments in compliance, the future of contractor management will include initiatives to facilitate meaningful conversation and mentoring. Host employers that have greater resources can extend their thought leadership and help shape the safety culture for ev- eryone working on site. Sharing information learned from their own in-house health and safety programs can significantly improve the daily operations of smaller third parties.
Upon reflection, most safety practitioners realize that many of the root causes of workplace injuries and illnesses are not tied to regulatory compliance. The root cause of many workplace injuries and illnesses is the result of failures within the systems of safety today.
Host employers have experienced significant success within their employee safety programs by engaging their workforce and adopting a management systems approach to safety/health im- provement. The next logical step for the future of host employers’ contractor safety programs would be to take what they’ve learned about employee management systems and apply it across their contractor safety programs. An example of a management systems approach for contractor management can be found in OSHA’s
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JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019 | Occupational Health1&1/2S8a/1fe8ty3:51 P3M1

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