Page 29 - Occupational Health & Safety, August 2018
P. 29

injuries that can occur. Do you ensure they understand? Do you have any type of disciplinary system for non-compliance/repeat offenders who do not wear required PPE? Is this documented through HR?
o YES o NO How do you ensure employees understand the use of systems for protection, such as wearing a faceshield and chemical goggles together for vision/face protection when needed? Skills training? Class- room? Mentor?
o YES o NO Do you maintain a positive safety leadership attitude and follow the rules on the job? Are you sure? (What would your employees say about your attitude?)
o YES o NO All levels of management wear PPE when needed. This includes upper management, safety, visitors, etc. (Nothing breaks a safety program like a “do as I say, not as I do” attitude of upper management.)
o YES o NO As part of their training, each employee is shown how to use, wear, clean, and when to replace each item. Employees understand there is no repercussion for needing to replace an item.
o YES o NO If more than one language is present in the workplace, training is conducted in the employees’ first language or translation is available to ensure understanding. This affects awareness items, posters, etc., as well.
o YES o NO Awareness items are also bilingual if needed for employ- ees. Are they updated?
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concerning wearing, cleaning, and replacement of PPE for vision protection.
o YES o NO Employees are aware of prescription safety glasses options available through work.
o YES o NO There is appropriate first aid on site for an eye-related injury. Is this training up to date?
o YES o NO As part of your first aid program, appropriate flushing/ eyewash and safety showers are located where and when needed. Are these inspected and maintained correctly and activated weekly? (Are you sure?)
o YES o NO An accident investigation is initiated following all eye/ vision injuries and reported to management. This is a time-sensitive issue; is it handled quickly?
o YES o NO Safety is called immediately after any serious injury. The supervisor is immediately made aware of any injury, serious or otherwise.
o YES o NO Upper management is made aware of serious eye inju- ries and corrective actions taken, and the costs/treatment are tracked ap- propriately.
o YES o NO Eye injury statistics and costs are tracked for increase/ decrease on a regular basis. Is this information shared with employees for feedback?
o YES o NO Purchasing statistics on type, cost, and replacement is tracked to monitor use and replacement for departments to monitor what products are working the best.
o YES o NO Employees are allowed the opportunity to ask questions
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AUGUST 2018 | Occupational Health &7/S5a/1f8ety1:22 PM25
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