Page 43 - Occupational Health & Safety, November 2017
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potholes that may seem minor during the summer can become more exasperated by cold weather and freeze/thaw cycles. Shrubs, bushes or other landscaping that migrates into walkways makes it more dif- ficult to keep those areas clear of snow and ice in the winter.
Moving indoors, when people enter the building with snow on their feet, it quickly melts. This can make building lobbies, em- ployee entrances and shipping docks more hazardous. Garages and other areas where buildings and grounds crews store shov- els, compact utility vehicles, tractors, snow blowers and other motorized snow removal equipment may also become more prone to slippery puddles from melted snow that is tracked in with equipment if there is not adequate drainage in the area.
People who live in cold-weather cli- mates can take winter hazards for granted because they know to expect snow and ice in the winter. But this can make it easier to overlook or dismiss hazards that can be easily eliminated before the temperature drops; or to minimize the importance of re- moving snow and ice promptly. Reviewing incident and near miss reports and walking around the facility can help uncover haz- ards that may otherwise be overlooked.
Make Repairs
In November 2015, OSHA revised the walk- ing-working surfaces rule. Under this rule, employers must maintain walking-working surfaces and keep them free of hazards such as snow and ice. Access and egress routes, including sidewalks and parking lots, also must be kept safe (29 CFR 1910.22).
Part of maintaining safe walking sur- faces includes keeping them in good repair and correcting any hazard that is found. In fact, when a hazard, such as a deep crack, pothole, or uneven surface is discovered, it must be corrected before the surface is used again. If it can’t be corrected immediately, it must be guarded to prevent anyone from using it until the repair is made [29 CFR 1910.22(d)].
Most of these minor repairs can be done inexpensively, before winter strikes. As park- ing lots, sidewalks and other outdoor areas are being evaluated to determine whether repairs are needed, also consider stairs and handrails that also may need attention.
In the autumn, check storm drains and clear out leaves, dirt, and other debris that
could clog the drains and cause them to back up. Verify that parking lot and other perimeter lighting is functional and ade- quate—because bulbs and lamps are easier to change when the ground is clear and dry.
Create and Review Plans
For each hazard that has been identified, winter safety plans should detail the proce- dures that will be implemented to prevent injuries. Review winter duties with main- tenance staff and ensure that they have enough manpower to perform the tasks that will need to be accomplished. Consid- er allowing them to vary their schedules to meet needs and minimize overtime.
Many facilities use outside vendors for snow removal. Where this is the case, dis- cuss expectations with them each autumn. Verify in writing that snow will be removed from parking lots and sidewalks and that all areas will be treated to prevent ice patches prior to the time that employees arrive and before they leave each day.
Stock Supplies
Even if it snows every winter and peo- ple know that they will need shovels and ice melt, they tend to put off buying those items until the first big snowfall. Then, it is often too late to find needed supplies or to purchase enough to make it through the storm, let alone the whole season.
Purchasing ice melt and other supplies before it starts to snow helps to avoid that hassle and better ensure that outdoor areas can be properly treated to prevent slips and falls. Consider areas throughout the facil- ity where small amounts of ice melt can be stored so that it is ready for everyone to use, such as entranceways, dock doors and out- door smoking areas.
Tune up snow blowers, utility vehicles, and other powered snow removal equip- ment so that it is ready for the season. Check and maintain fuel supplies and maintain stock on commonly-replaced parts so that equipment can be kept run- ning all season.
Keep barricade tape, cones, or other barrier devices handy to mark areas that can’t be cleared of snow, ice or other haz- ards. These items may be needed indoors or out. They are also useful for designating walkways that have been cleared to help ev- eryone safely navigate between buildings or through parking lots.
Because building entrances are notori-
ous locations for slip-and-fall injuries, be prepared to keep them dry with floor fans and other supplies. Adhesive-backed ab- sorbent matting can be used to quickly trap snow that enters on shoes and boots. It can also replace traditional entrance matting when it becomes saturated with snow.
Prepare Employees
Warm summer months and balmy autumn days can cause people to let down their guard and forget about winter safety. Use toolbox talks, posters, or portions of safety training time to review winter safety protocols with all employees before the first snowfall.
If employees regularly work outdoors, distribute traction footwear and other win- ter gear. Allow time for them to acclimate to cold weather and provide methods for them to warm themselves after performing outdoor tasks.
Show everyone where designated walk- ways will be and discuss plans to keep them clear. Post signage to remind everyone of slip and fall hazards. Review how to get out of a vehicle safely, how to walk on slip- pery surfaces, and what types of footwear to avoid. Stress the importance of walking slowly and avoiding carrying things that obstruct vision or alter balance.
Slip and fall hazards don’t need to be one of the necessary evils of winter. Identi- fying and eliminating common causes and having a plan to keep areas as clean and dry as possible will minimize the chance of these injuries.
Karen D. Hamel, CSP, WACH, is a regula- tory compliance professional, trainer, and technical writer for New Pig. She has more than 22 years of experience helping EHS pro- fessionals find solutions to meet EPA, OSHA, and DOT regulations and has had more than 100 articles published on a variety of EHS topics. She is a Certified Safety Profes- sional (CSP,) Walkway Auditor Certificate Holder (WACH,) Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) trainer, hazmat technician, serves on the Blair County, PA LEPC, and has completed a variety of envi- ronmental, safety, emergency response, DOT and NIMS courses, including Planning Sec- tion Chief. She has conducted seminars at national conferences and webinars for ASSE and other national organizations. She can be reached at 1-800-HOT-HOGS® (468-4647) or by email,
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