Page 98 - Occupational Health & Safety, September 2017
P. 98

Employee Gifts & Incentives
No ethical incentive provider would create a program to discourage reporting—tracking safety issues is an integral part of making a workplace safer! In fact, most programs I imple- ment include performance-based bonus points for promptly and properly reporting an injury or accident, and many actu- ally impose severe penalties for not filing a required report. Even though we are in the “Carrot,” not the “Stick,” business, we justify this penalty to our program participants as not being a negative because it is part of the employee’s standard operating proce- dures to properly report any accident or injury, so the penalty will never apply unless someone is violating the company policy, which happens to completely affirm OSHA’s desire that all such events be properly recorded and/or reported.
OH&S: You mentioned long-term changes. What’s the best ex- ample of them?
Roark: A long-term development is the International Standards Organization forming a Technical Advisory Group to estab- lish a measurement definition for worldwide Human Capital Standards. The managers of ISO 9000, followed by 1.35 million companies worldwide and 25,000 in the U.S., have recognized
engagement as critical to quality management and have already issued Standard 10018, outlining best practices for engaging the organization to focus on quality every day. ISO has now created a working group to create formal engagement standards apply- ing to all businesses. There is now an unprecedented amount of research showing that rewards and recognition, when used correctly as a part of a comprehensive engagement process, are critical to success, so much so that ISO has included rewards and recognition in its engagement framework.
IMA has been accepted as a member of the Technical Advi- sory Group developing the recommended criteria for this new ISO standard. Working with other aligned organizations, we will provide incentive perspectives, statistics, and experiences for consideration by the formulating advisors. In doing this, we will advocate for standards that include employee appreciation, recognition, and motivation as integral modalities. I believe that in coming years, these standards will be a basic requirement for conducting commerce, and that the inclusion of standards and guidelines for safety incentive programs will elevate the specialty and create a paradigm shift in how the C-suite and our employ- ees view and implement safety best practices.
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