Page 54 - Occupational Health & Safety, September 2017
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To find a whole-house system that not only meets stringent ASHRAE 62.2 and ENERGY STAR® Certified Homes 3.0 ven- tilation requirements, but also provides the lowest cost per HERS point, builders and manufacturers are beginning to partner with utilities and independent third-party service providers and organizations that of- fer programs and/or services that support customer efforts to reduce energy con- sumption and improve energy efficiency. Finding OEMs that design and engineer ventilation solutions with these complex variables in mind can help you navigate this cost/efficiency nexus.
Third-Party Certification
Popular voluntary performance programs such as Leadership in Energy and Envi- ronmental Design (LEED)® for Homes, ENERGY STAR® Homes program, and the Zero Energy Ready Home, use IECC and ASHRAE as the foundation to create a healthy, high-performance home. LEED works for all buildings at all phases of de- velopment. Projects pursuing LEED certifi- cation earn points across several areas that address sustainability issues. Based on the number of points achieved, a project then receives one of four LEED rating levels: Certified, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.3
EPA offers special recognition to builders who commit to building 100 percent of their homes to meet ENERGY STAR® program requirements. The blue ENERGY STAR la- bel was established to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants caused by the inefficient use of energy and make it easy for consumers to identify and purchase energy- efficient products that offer savings on en- ergy bills without sacrificing performance, features, and comfort.4 ENERGY STAR® partners agree to measure and benchmark energy performance; implement a plan to improve energy performance, adopt the ENERGY STAR® strategy; and educate staff and the public about their partnership and achievements with ENERGY STAR®.
Proper Installation
As more building codes call for whole house ventilation, a new ventilation system makes it easier to create supply or balanced ventilation system in a single-family or multifamily home. However, it’s important to note any mechanical ventilation system will not reach its performance potential if components are poorly manufactured or