Page 50 - Mobility Management, July/August 2021
P. 50

LUCI users always have the option to reject the assistance offered by LUCI and move in any direction they desire.
This feature is called Override and it’s available at the push of a button. We have tried to catch as many unsafe conditions as possible which will lead inevitably to some false positives. Override makes sure the user always wins in a disagreement with LUCI.
Override is a LUCI feature that should be used!
Sometimes users need to push things open with their footplate. Sometimes they need to pull in very close and touch the dashboard when they get in their van, sometimes they want
to jam the chair up against another surface to complete a safe transfer. In all these situations LUCI is going to stop them short and it’s ok to use override.
The LUCI Dashboard, located just above the joystick on the wheelchair control panel includes a LUCI Button, which can
be used to temporarily override LUCI. This button should
be pressed in situations when LUCI sees a danger that the
user knows to be false, and the driver needs to take over ‘unassisted’. When the button is pressed, the blue light will blink for 20 seconds, or until the button is pressed again. During
this time, LUCI is temporarily disengaged and the collision avoidance and drop-off protection features will not be active.
While stopping or slowing the chair for every drop-off is impossible, LUCI’s ground confidence algorithm aims to keep users safe while driving on uneven terrain.
The ground confidence system checks ground data at approximately 2.5 meters from the chair and if the ground can’t be clearly made out it slows down the chair to a walking speed.
This slowing gives LUCI’s drop-off protection system more time to react if it turns out that there is unsafe ground ahead.
When ground confidence triggers, LUCI slows the chair speed down to a walking speed. This speed was selected so that the chair can still safely maneuver in situations where shiny floors or other false positives cause unreliable ground data.

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