Page 3 - Mobility Management, December 2019
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Empowering a New Generation of HME Providers
Find Your Voice
AAHomecare is proud to lead advocacy, lobbying, and payment reform efforts for home medical equipment providers, manufac- turers, and other stakeholders in our industry at the national and local levels. Our efforts include engaging Congress, federal agen- cies, and state Medicaid authorities to support sustainable reim- bursement rates and reign in unncecessary regulations. Find your voice through AAHomecare membership, and help us advance the value of today’s HME provider across the healthcare industry.
Join Today! Together we can succeed. Contact Michael Nicol, AAHomecare’s senior director of membership, at 202-372-0749, to explore how the Association can help you succeed.
“I’m grateful for AAHomecare’s comprehensive, top-to- bottom actionable response team, connecting the
many Industry dots that hones quick, concise, and meaningful legislative messaging. There
was a time when this kind of legislative and administrative dialogue and engagement was a dream. To know that these lines of
communication are now open and often times welcomed, it speaks for itself! We
could not do this alone!”
-Nick Macmillan, Ventec Life Systems (WA)

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