Page 37 - Mobility Management, December 2018
P. 37

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Prairie View Industries
- PVI is proud to introduce a 
brand new portable ramp ~  ff  " 4".’
called the Wheel-A-Bout.   . _:;,  Mi‘ 
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- Auailable in 10 &12 foot lengths, ~ “_  ‘*7’ ’
30-inches wide.  _.§,__E ‘ 
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- When gou bug a PVI ramp,  1, -‘ g ‘ . '- _ ‘IQ.’
gou get the highest qualitg and :r‘/:{“:‘:"?wV’E“‘V W f .%_E H ‘ _
most durable ramp auailable. If/:_._,,:.»-.  "“§'*‘
Our limited lifetime warrantg  v .
guarantees it!
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toresarlgng t n Effortless Wheel Simple Set-Up 5oud_ stable Design
C‘ 9 Design
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Lat" J67" '~.‘-.W: ‘».‘.~_-"3*.;;;-. " ' ':»&—.;i<":'/ic ‘J.’ :-S-' p w / a. 
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1%: Qualitg - Durabilltg - Guaranteed  _V ll
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