Page 17 - Mobility Management, September 2018
P. 17

                                                                                                     Room to Grow
Shoprider Expands Offices As XLR Launch Heats Up
Shoprider Mobility Products has opened a new office in Torrance, Calif., with the goal of handling more shipments with greater efficiency.
The new facility is larger than Shoprider’s previous American headquarters. The office is also more optimally located near freeways and the Port of Los Angeles.
The new location’s layout facili- tates will-call pickups for local DME and complex rehab providers. Shoprider unboxes and charges vehicle batteries ahead of time for providers who drive in to pick up their power wheelchair, scooter and accessories orders.
Shoprider is now located at 1338 Storm Parkway, Suite D, Torrance, CA 90501. Customer support is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific time. Tech support is available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pacific time.
The facility expansion comes at a crucial time, as the company is now shipping the XLR 14 (pictured), a Group 2 standard, single power option power wheelchair. The XLR is available as a K0835 (sling/solid seat/back) or a K0836 (captain’s seat), and has 14" drivewheels in a mid-wheel-drive configuration. m

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