Page 23 - Mobility Management, July 2017
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additional support pieces, such as trunk laterals and headrests. — Jeff Decker, ATP/SMS, CRTS, National Seating & Mobility Nuprodx Inc.
(707) 934-8266
Acta-Relief Back
I have been using the Acta-Relief
back with my geriatric population
in skilled nursing home facilities
with phenomenal results. The back
accommodates to the typical kyphotic
posture of many of the geriatric
population, provides adequate lateral
support without laterals most of the
time, and my customers find it comfortable. It satisfies the PT/OT positioning goals and satisfies the comfort requirements of my geriatric clients and their families. It is a win-win.
— Jeffrey Cupps, ATP, Numotion
For an off-the-shelf back, it gives you the most adjustment for severe kyphosis, etc. It utilizes “Boa” technology. I had only seen it on hiking boots before this back. You pull a button on the
back to release tension, position the person in the back, push
the button in, turn the button to tighten some wires, and it is an almost exact mold. Very simple. Change is just as simple. Pull the button, remold. — John Zona, ATP,CRTS, Reliant Medical Group Comfort Company
(800) 564-9248
Zing MPS
Set-up friendly for ATP/therapists with a lot of growth potential to meet the needs of the kiddo.
— Kathy Fallon, ATP, Kennebec Pharmacy & Home Care
I love this product because it
provides a way for my clients
to stand with hips in abduc-
tion, and to work in prone as
well as upright. By working
in prone, I have been able to
help kids become stronger
that don’t enjoy being prone
on the floor — helping them
make motoric changes much
faster because they enjoy
prone in their standers so the
parents will use it more. I also
love that I can order this product for my little ones as early as 9 months and know that it will grow to 44” or about kinder- garten to second grade, depending on their size. As a therapist, I feel good about ordering a quality product that will grow for that many years!
— Mary Miles, PT, DPT, ATP, White Bear Lake B-2 early intervention MOBILITY MANAGEMENT | JULY 2017 21
Alber e-motion & Twion Power Assists
I look at power assist in two categories: push assist and self propel. \\\\\\\[With\\\\\\\] push assist, I think the e-motion wheels are the standard, with the ability to adjust how much it amplifies your push. And now with the smaller, Bluetooth-enabled Twion set, it cuts weight in half.
— Jeff Decker, ATP/SMS, CRTS, National Seating & Mobility Invacare Corp./Alber
(888) 426-8581
SmartDrive MX2 Power Assist
I have a client who couldn’t
push his manual \\\\\\\[chair\\\\\\\]
more than 40 feet and
needed power, but didn’t
have a vehicle to trans-
port the power. The new
SmartDrive MX2 power
assist has solved that
problem for him. He is so
excited to be able to keep up
with his friends and even go faster than them. They now have to keep up with him....
— Toby Bergantino, ATP, Numotion
I look at power assist in two categories: push assist and self propel. The \\\\\\\[best\\\\\\\] self propel is without a doubt the SmartDrive. With the new model having connectivity to an app on the phone, it’s really expanded its capabilities in customization and tracking. — Jeff Decker, ATP/SMS, CRTS, National Seating & Mobility
MAX Mobility
(800) 637-2980

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