Page 8 - Mobility Management, April 2017
P. 8

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Event Coverage
Numotion Celebrates Its
“Mission Possible”
ORLANDO, Fla. — A Numotion National Leadership Conference is a sizable endeavor these days, not just in numbers but also in range. By the numbers, Numotion brought about 650 employees to the Gaylord Palms Convention Center in January, and that total doesn’t count staffers brought by more than 50 exhibiting companies.
An event that was once largely an educational meeting for the complex rehab provider’s ATPs has evolved into a homecoming of sorts — a time and place to bring everyone together to find common ground, address challenges and re-evaluate where Numotion stands in its ongoing mission.
A New Conference Theme
The 2017 conference’s theme was Mission Possible, and Numotion’s CEO, Mike Swinford, said the company takes its themes very seriously.
In an interview with Mobility Management, Swinford said, “Each year, we pick a theme that’s a chapter in the evolution of our culture and where we’re trying to take our business and the cultural transformation we’re on. So three years ago, [the theme] was Making It Personal, and that was really trying to connect on a personal level with each other, with every employee in the company,
to make sure that we were valuing everybody and what we did and why we did it. The second year, the theme was It, which is in the middle of Making It Personal. It is
a very simple two-letter word, but when you talk about people who ‘have It’ or ‘get It,’ then It takes on a whole new meaning. It is everything from caring for employees to believing in somebody. It’s all the intangibles and taking Making It Personal to a whole new level. It really resonated with our team.”
Of this year’s theme, Swinford said, “We had just refreshed our mission statement in the company. Our new mission statement is ‘Improving the lives of people with disabilities by enabling them to actively participate in everyday life.’ But the theme of the meeting was Mission Possible, and it was really doubling down on our customers and how passionate we are about who we serve, why we serve them and everything we do to serve them. Every single presentation had a customer story embedded in it, whether we were talking about compliance, key opera- tional initiatives or different leadership topics. Each story,
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connected the theme of that presentation to our mission and to our customers.”
Making Connections
Swinford acknowledged that those customer stories created many emotional moments throughout the meeting. A memorable one came from Tealyn Wendler, 13, whose mother, Trickett, became a Numotion client after being diagnosed with ALS.
Trickett passed away in 2015, but her family continues to raise funds to combat ALS. The Wendler family trav- eled to Orlando to help present an award that Numotion named in Trickett’s honor.

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