Page 24 - HME Business, September/October 2022
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Portable oxygen concentrator with app lets patients track breath rate, oxygen use, pulse volume and more The X-PLOR portable oxygen concentrator features ModulAir technology and an Airgonomical design that makes it light- weight, compact, and able to generate more oxygen by weight than any device in its class. Now with the Nomad Biometrics App, the X-PLOR lets patients can track their breath rate, oxygen usage, pulse volume, battery life, and more. Patients can share this data with their healthcare provider or caregiver.
Belluscura LLC
(877) GO-XPLOR 4 Booth no. 317
Respiratory system combines therapies to clear lungs
BiWaze Cough is a respiratory therapy system that combines multiple therapies of assisted cough and lung expansion along with high-frequency oscillation. BiWaze Cough breaks up and then removes mucus from the lungs by applying positive air pres- sure (inhale) to the airway and then rapidly shifting to negative air pressure (exhale). After exhale, the pause phase allows the patient to rest before the next cough cycle. BiWaze Cough can provide positive pres- sure during the pause phase creating a higher mean airway pressure, increasing the Functional Residual Capacity post exhale and providing a more comfortable therapy for the patient.
ABM Respiratory Care
(877) ABMRC-01 Booth no. 417
Full-face mask delivers full performance with minimal contact F&P Evora Full is Fisher & Paykel Healthcare’s new compact full face mask for the delivery of CPAP therapy to treat OSA. Evora Full delivers full performance with minimal contact. Evora Full sits under the nose for a clear line of sight. There are three seal sizes available: Extra Small, Small to Medium, and Large and two headgear sizes; standard and extra large.
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
(800) 792-3912
Booth no. 1133
Alternating pressure air cushion provides three comfort settings
The Dynarex Ever-Soft Alternating Pressure Air Cushion is a premium-grade cushion designed to help relieve pressure wounds and increase user comfort. The cushion features a system of interconnected air cells that inflate and deflate to help increase blood flow and redistribute body pressure and a digital pump that provides three comfort-level settings and adjustable cycle times. Ideal for use in homecare and long- term care settings.
Dynarex Corp.
(888) 396-2739
Booth no. 641
Home access manufacturer showcasing modular ramps, threshold ramps
Access4U offers a complete product
line of ADA-compliant ramp products to provide individuals with physical limita- tions affordable and easy access into and out of their homes. Access4U manufac- tures aluminum modular ramps, modular platforms, threshold ramps, and portable folding ramps for home and commercial use. Accessories include stair and ground platforms, gates and picket railings when required to meet local codes. Made in USA Access4U Inc.
(800)-355-7025 Booth no. 416
Business analytics tool gives providers a total view of their RCM ACU-Serve is powered by ACU-Insight, a robust business analytics tool that allows providers to manage the revenue cycle with a holistic view. ACU-Serve developed the toolset to accommodate a client base with varied software platforms across numerous states and payers. ACU-Insight collects the data from multiple facets of your organiza- tion and delivers it in an actionable manner. By intelligently queuing up only the claims that need work and eliminating unnecessary touches, ACU-Serve can reduce the number of claims being touched and, in turn, lower the cost to its clients.
ACU-Serve Corp.
(800) 887-8965
Booth no. 949
22 HMEBusiness | September/October 2022 |
Management Solutions | Technology | Products

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