Page 5 - DME Pharmacy, April 2022
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Sleep Therapy
strong communications strategy in place, particularly as they become increasingly reliant on reorders from their existing cus- tomer base to fuel dependable revenue streams. This means they need to take a multi-level approach that includes con- tacting patients through emails, phone calls, texts and app-based communica- tion. In doing so, DME pharmacies have a better chance of completing reorders and maximizing profit margins during a de- manding time for healthcare companies.
Also, as clients desire near-immediate answers to questions on issues or re- orders, leveraging the growing suite of patient communication tools available from industry software companies is crucial to increasing low-touch revenue while delivering high-touch service.
Successful sleep therapy providers have abided by similar principles for as long as the business of providing home medical equipment has existed: educating the pa- tient about their condition and the equip- ment they require to treat it is absolutely pivotal to ensuring the patient complies with their therapy and reorders supplies.
As the population of sleep apnea patients grows each year, providers must meet demand without sacrificing their level of engagement with patients — a tough task when providers are already overextended in the first place. Luck-
ily, technology options have emerged
to help deliver a high-quality patient experience, which is particularly relevant for younger customers who are more accustomed to using mobile apps and patient portals.
Generally, the sleep patient popu- lation tends to be younger and more likely to take advantage of technology solutions than oxygen patients, who are overall part of an older generation. That said, no two patients are alike.
Bearing that in mind, pharmacies with sleep practices need to support a variety of communications methods to meet the patient where they are. That will ulti- mately drive the best patient experience and sleep therapy outcomes. Start that process by asking your patients upfront
how they prefer to be contacted so that you can meet them where they are.
Fortunately, there are technology solutions out there from the various software vendors that can help you coor- dinate with your patients in an integrated and often automated platform. These systems let pharmacies set up push notifications to request more information from patients or update them on order and delivery status. In addition, patients can upload financial information and insurance updates as they happen.
Before choosing a patient commu- nication solution, pharmacies should evaluate their specific business practices and workflow issues before turning to a technology partner for help. That means the pharmacy should examine its resup- ply processes and build out solutions that accommodate those processes.
Breakdowns in communication, whether they’re through unanswered phone calls, unread emails, or ignored push notifica- tions, can lead to major issues for pro- viders, especially when it comes to the retention of patients and referral sources. If a patient is not reordering equipment, that means they are likely not following their therapy regimen -- and their doctor or primary healthcare provider will know it. That’s the opposite of the reputation that DME pharmacies hope to build.
Manual communication methods and tracking of patient contact can quickly lead to these types of issues. As provid- ers work to maintain multiple resupply schedules, follow up with several payers and meet resupply regulations, it’s easy to see how making patient calls can fall to the end of a provider’s priority list and slip through the cracks.
Automated tools that take the guess- work out of communication can make all the difference in the sleep therapy space. Providers should consider software solu- tions that learn more about the patient’s preferred methods over time and elimi- nate ineffective business practices.
If an email outreach has been unsuc- cessful in the past, these tools will switch to guided call scripting or messaging
at different times of day to find the best ways to reach even the most difficult, non-compliant patients.
The positive impact of patient commu- nication tools is doubled if patients are given clear expectations at the outset
of their PAP therapy setup. Sending the right message about the importance of resupply and simplifying the options for clients makes it easier for providers to seek reorders during difficult times, in- cluding the current COVID-19 crisis. And if there are issues with the supply chain or product demand, the patient may be more likely to forgive a provider who has sent regular updates in the past.
Letting patients express their pref- erences and learn more about their options allows them to feel like active participants in the process. For example, demonstrating a web portal for reorders reduces frustration with communication tools and improves the entire experience for patients and providers.
Remember, most patients are on therapy for their whole lives, and the longest period of time that patients are going to spend with therapy is in that resupply phase. So the pharmacy wants to make sure to deliver a seamless order and reorder solution to deliver the stron- gest patient experience possible. n
April 2022 | DME Pharmacy 5
Pharmacies with sleep practices need to support a variety of communications methods to meet the patient where they are. That will ultimately drive the best patient experience and sleep therapy outcomes.

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