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                                           HME Leadership by the Book
situation, it takes a courageous leader to make the tough calls, but looking back on those decisions, we can rest assured that we will never regret the risks we took to better serve those we are privileged to lead.
Ask yourself: Are you actively taking risks that will make a lasting and positive difference in the lives of those you serve?
At the end of a long day, week, project, or sales cycle we can easily feel like we just want to be left alone, take a break, or need some time to spend by ourselves. This makes perfect sense after meeting deadlines, reviewing metrics, a pouring our energy into getting something over the last hurdle at to the finish line.
Time after time it seemed like Jesus dealt with this exact same scenario: while he might not have had to hit a sales quota, improve customer satisfaction scores, or post positive quarterly results for the board of directors to review, he was under constant scrutiny and infinite demand as he interacted with those who loved him as well as those who hated him.
And yet in the midst of all the chaos that surrounded his life, it was when he stopped everything, saw the true needs of those he interacted with, and willingly gave of himself to reach the most broken and forgotten, that he impacted the world forever. His compassionate leadership is a reminder to anyone, that our greatest influence exists where we meet the greatest need.
For any and all leaders, we must constantly push ourselves to evaluate the work we do in light of the purpose we serve and the people we lead. Do we know the needs of those around us, including our customers and our employees? Are we working hard to learn what is motivating them and who
is engaging them? Can we articulate how their needs are best met and are we connecting them with something larger than themselves?
We can continuously seek and find satisfaction in accomplishment, financial stability, and prestige, but our greatest reward and satisfaction should be found in influencing others to become better and help them accomplish more than they ever thought possible.
Ask yourself: Who is in your sphere of influence, right now, that has a need you are able to meet?
As you stop to consider your own leadership style and actions, where do you best connect with the examples given above? What “old school” ideas do you think would have the
biggest impact on your modern leadership?
Are you a true visionary; tirelessly painting a picture of a world
people cannot wait to see? Would those around you say you
are relentless; when you know what needs to be done, you
let nothing stand in your way to make it happen? Perhaps you are at a moment where the best way to lead is to be humble, understanding your position will never outpace your need to learn. Maybe it’s time for you to step forward and be coura- geous, accepting the reality that you will never regret the risks you take for the benefit of others. And finally, it might be time to accept the fact that one of the greatest leadership styles you can embrace is when you choose to be compassionate because your greatest influence exists where you meet the greatest need.
I think a challenge for all of us, in any type of leadership capacity, is answering the question: “What do those around me need most from me right now?” Thinking through this and being able to articulate a clear answer is a powerful guide to becoming the visionary, relentless, humble, courageous, and compassionate leader your business, your team, your referrals and your patients need. n
Jonathan Walters, ATP/SMS, CEAC, is vice president of leadership devel- opment and a complex rehab technology coach for HME management coaching and consulting firm Team@Work, which can be found online at or contacted via phone at (260) 627-8938.
 “If you are not learning, if you are not growing, if you are not expanding your capacity, then you simply are not the leader you need to be.”
  16 HMEBusiness | May 2018 |
Management Solutions | Technology | Products

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