Page 73 - FCW, November, December 2018
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                                   you’ve got to return the money back to the TMF. I think it was a little aggressive for the reality that the CIOs and the business owners are aware of.”
“If it was extended over a longer period, I think you would probably see a lot more adoption of it,” the official added. “And again, it’s great that it’s there, and in some certain use cases, it works well, but in others, I think you’re going to see less adoption.”
Two other participants said their agencies were statuto- rily prohibited from using the TMF, and a third was even blunter. “Our budget director has pretty much said, ‘Over my dead body,’” that official said. “If you get caught short, you’re now basically having to pay that out of your program funds, and it’s just completely untenable.”
A fourth official added that TMF “has the risk of exacer- bating the haves and have-nots of our federal government.” Some agencies are well positioned to tap the revolving fund for projects that can show a return on investment within 24 months, while others are not. “But they still need moderniza- tion, and so they can’t even go after those funds.”
Others, however, said they were grateful for the potential funding. “We want to take advantage of the working capital funds and convince our CFO to really buy into that model,” one said. “But we’re having a tough time getting the buy-in.”
Myth 7: You know what you’re getting into
Technology cannot be the sole focus of modernization efforts, but it is a key component, and many participants lamented how frequently long-hidden IT problems sur- face to complicate their efforts.
“One of the misconceptions is that the legacy sys- tems even work,” one said. There are times when a full- blown business process re-engineering approach does not make sense, and “you just have to reach back and refactor apps.” But in one such case, when the goal was to rewrite an ancient Java app “and just give us the junk we have today in a modern platform that we can modernize later,” the team discovered that more than 60 percent of the legacy code didn’t work.
“Over the past 15 years, they had done attempts to modernize it that failed, and they left the code in that didn’t work,” the participant said. Of the 400 screens in the app, only 17 actually ran. The others “weren’t used and were never put in place, but specific functions from those were called and tied in and used. So we didn’t know what pieces of that code did work and what didn’t.”
The official added: “What we thought was a grad school-level project — take this codebase and just rewrite exactly that same thing over here in this other language — how do you have them test something where three-quarters of the lines never worked in the first place?” n
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