Page 55 - FCW, November, December 2018
P. 55

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who as where n ends «or emon sooorers, phshers, impersonators, and bad guys. volamon is he only
end-90 end, Fully automated, ann-pmshing/anti-spoofing email prolechon platform. Nobody else is
FedRAMP cernhed, ond nobody else enforces DMARC so quwckly rhea you can slill comply with DHS
son 1s—o1 . And we never expose personally aaonnhoole anrormonon mu. wnh Vulimail, you gei
deep snuohono\ awareness and ohe prorecnon of your domom char oohers can’: even hope 00 delwer
Pernod Besl of aH, we don't jusl flag bad guys prefendlng Ihey’.-e you. we neuler vhem.
The DHS BOD 18 01 oomphonce deadlme >s.. weH...pos9. so check us om Before eivher
some worehdog or o bad guy makes on example cu! or you.
'4‘ ©2o1svohnon

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