Page 40 - FCW, March/April 2018
P. 40

 2018 FEDERAL 100
                                          Conor McGrath
Legislative Assistant
Of ce of Sen. Jerry Moran
Moving MGT. The Modernizing Government Technology Act prom- ises to help agencies modernize IT systems, improve ef ciency and
save money. Getting to that point, however, required years of relent- less behind-the-scenes work from the likes of McGrath. As a legislative assistant for one of the bill’s Senate sponsors, McGrath strategized the plan to include MGT in the annual defense authorization bill. He was also instrumental in rallying indus- try support and pitching the Trump administration on how what at  rst blush appeared to be an IT policy bill had the potential to make better use of taxpayer dollars.
Brett McMillen
Senior Manager, U.S. Federal, Civilian
Amazon Web Services
Cloud connector. McMillen coordi- nated activities among partners, ven- dors, managers and federal leaders from the C-suite down on numerous projects in 2017. He helped implement the Department of Veterans Affairs’ portal, which involved integrating more than 200 formerly distinct websites and services. The new, mobile-friendly website makes it easier for veterans to complete essen- tial tasks, such as  ling a claim or applying for health bene ts. McMillen also helped develop a facial recogni- tion program at Customs and Border Protection
that will be deployed at airports nationwide to increase security and free up valuable resources at CBP for other tasks.
Col. James (Darby) F.
Project Manager, Integrated Personnel and Pay System–Army, Program Executive Of ce Enterprise Information Systems
U.S. Army
Human resources revolutionary.
McNulty is overseeing the develop- ment of a next-generation system that will include personnel, pay and talent management capabilities. The system is fundamentally changing how the Army does business and will affect approximately 1.1 million soldiers worldwide by  scal 2020. IPPS-A will help the Army enhance its readiness by enabling the matching of soldiers’ knowledge, skills and behaviors against requirements. McNulty has a clear view of the big picture and the ability to “masterfully break it down into individual pixels to guide their development,” said Terry Watson, acting program executive of cer for enterprise information systems.
Mitzi I. Mead
Accela Consulting
ACT-IAC’s advocate. There were skeptics when Mead was elected
to the Industry Advisory Council as something of an insurgent candidate, but her leadership in 2017 won over industry and government stakehold- ers alike. The Communities of Interest
that IAC and the American Council for Technology jointly organize have taken on new life, and Mead aggres- sively courted agency CIOs to ensure that government participation in ACT- IAC stayed strong in a turbulent tran- sition year. Small businesses are get- ting more attention, too, but industry/ government dialogue has been the top priority as Mead continues to ensure that government needs are driving ACT-IAC’s agenda.
John Mengucci
Chief Operating Of cer
Market strategy architect. Men- gucci developed and has subsequently driven CACI’s market-based strategy since he joined the company in 2012 as chief operating of cer and presi- dent of U.S. operations. His efforts, and a pair of large acquisitions that happened during the same period, positioned the company to better serve its agency customers and secure $6 billion in contract awards during CACI’s 2017  scal year. Mengucci also assumed more responsibility over
the  rm’s strategic growth plans and acquisition integration activities as
it seeks to position itself for larger, longer and more complex technology solutions partnerships with agencies.
          Conor McGrath
Brett McMillen
Col. James Mitzi I. Mead John Mengucci (Darby) F.
36 March/April 2018 FCW.COM

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