Page 5 - CARAHSOFT_August/September
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Humans cannot possibly monitor, manage and analyze the volume of data quickly enough; they must be supported by machine learning.
Maintaining our competitive
and strategic edge
In this way, machine learning enables organizations to shift from reactive to proactive cybersecurity with automated, continuously evolving cyber detection and response. Humans cannot possibly monitor, manage and analyze the volume of data quickly enough; they must be supported by machine learning. And because the cyberthreats never
cease, it’s critical to develop a continuous risk and evaluation model that captures data, predicts outcomes and remediates threats.
Armed with multiple motives and an increasingly sophisticated set of tools, state-sponsored bad actors will continue to be a serious and viable threat to our national security. Our competitive and strategic edge as both an economy and a nation are driven by our advancing technological lead. Public
awareness, improved collaboration and better use of our bedrock technical capacity will sustain an edge over our competition and adversaries to win on today’s and tomorrow’s virtual and physical battlefields.
Barry Leffew is senior vice president
and general manager of national security software at SAP National Security Services Inc.
Today’s explosion of data and endpoints are growing at an exponential rate. Traditional approaches, relying on known threats, fail to keep pace.
Leveraging AI to monitor in-memory behavior can identify and neutralize evolving threats in real time, before you’re compromised.
For more information on how SAP NS2 is solving this complex problem, visit
At SAP NS2®, we leverage the most advanced commercial technology from SAP. We’re focused on data intelligence, advanced analytics, machine learning and cyber—to help you protect the lives, assets and information of American citizens.
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