Page 20 - College Planning & Management, June 2019
P. 20

The specific message or story will vary between different academic institutions, but understanding that story is vital. That narrative will ensure that a facility feels appropriate and connects on an emotional level. This connection is especially crucial for facilities that serve as the front door for a campus or are highly trafficked because that means a significant number of people are utilizing and experiencing that space.
Some colleges or universities will even incorporate their school’s branding into these buildings. A good rule of thumb is to tread lightly when adding brand-specific flourishes. For example, it can be costly to emblazon the entry lobby of a high-traffic building with your school’s logo or mascot because those items might change over time. Of course, you could replace that flooring, but it would be a costly update. A more strategic approach is to incorporate light brand touches in both visible and un- expected places. Often, subtle approaches to reinforcing identity can be more effec- tive than bold graphic statements. Having a space that feels like an extension of brand
and that whispers rather than shouts has a timeless appeal and comfort.
Likewise, consider walk-off mats with
a school’s mascot or logo. These mats can help get dirt off shoes and protect entry area floors. Mats are also relatively inexpensive to replace. For example, James Madison University in Virginia included branding elements in their entry mats for Madison Hall, for both practical purposes as well as to reinforce the school’s branding.
Durability is a key consideration, as the next section addresses, but it doesn’t matter if a building feels out of place. Ulti- mately, understanding a school’s identity will help guide the design, construction, and maintenance processes.
Prioritize Durability
Many facility managers are focused
on the durability of a building’s various elements, and rightly so. High-quality materials and maintenance needs are key factors in a facility’s lifespan. Durability is particularly impactful for buildings that receive a lot of foot traffic, whether that’s
an admissions center, wellness or fitness facility, academic building, student center, or something else. Not surprisingly, floors are a top priority for high-traffic areas in facilities, especially popular buildings.
Selecting long-lasting and high-quality flooring matters. Hard surfaces perform best in entry areas and lobbies, which
are the most trafficked areas in a facility. Avoiding carpeting in an entry area can be a smart choice as it can show wear more quickly, creating significant durability and maintenance headaches. Terrazzo and natu- ral stone flooring offer expansive flexibility from a design perspective and great durabil- ity. These surfaces are valuable because of their long lifespan as well as the impressive first impression when entering a building.
Although long considered a difficult or limiting material for flooring, porcelain technology has advanced in recent years. Many porcelain tiles are now manufactured to emulate natural stone very convincingly, and with a lower initial cost as well as more streamlined maintenance requirements.
If you’re considering a natural stone, it’s often preferable to identify a local stone that will evoke your institution’s specific location.
It’s also worth noting hardwood flooring options. Hardwoods can provide a gra-
cious look for a facility. This approach is for aesthetic and logistical purposes. Virginia Tech’s Admissions and Welcome Center provides a wonderful example of how to deftly incorporate hardwoods. The school utilized hardwoods in its entry and waiting area be- cause the flooring evoked the bucolic campus’ setting and was nicely juxtaposed against large windows overlooking the campus. Another consideration with hardwoods is that this flooring can require a more substantial subflooring system and should be considered early in the process for proper coordination.
Selecting the most appropriate and durable flooring for high-traffic areas of popular buildings is a necessity, but it would be expensive to continue that floor- ing throughout an entire building. Tran- sitioning to carpet or resilient flooring is often the most economical and best choice.
BUILT TO LAST. When James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA, planned for a new Admissions Center, the renovation of a clinical annex to Rockingham Memorial Hospital Cancer Center resulted in Madison Hall. The new facility provides faculty and staff offices, meeting rooms, small scale academic spaces, and other mixed uses serving the needs of the university.

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