Page 13 - College Planning & Management, March 2019
P. 13
THE FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION: SMART CAMPUSES From the IoT to self-driving cars, college and university campuses are becoming more
efficient and productive with the development and deployment of new technologies.
By Norma Lehman
WiFi networks, the Internet of Things (IoT), and other advanced tech- nologies have enabled colleges and universities across the country to transform into digitally connected campuses that are benefiting stu- dents, faculty, and their surrounding communities. As a result, these
modern-day campuses boast enhanced student learning and quality of life, lower operating costs, greater security and safety, im-
proved environmental sustainability, and more.
Smart campuses, like smart cities, are defined as places where devices and applications create new
experiences or services and facilitate opera- tional efficiency.
The number of smart campuses may grow faster than smart cities, as Digital
Native students expect online con- nectivity in their learning and
social environments. The idea of digitalizing cam-
puses is also favored by school officials
continually searching for new ways to improve the experience for students academically and socially, along with mitigating security and environmental issues as well as reducing spiraling operating costs.
Some examples of colleges and universities embracing the smart campus trend include:
• The integration of digital technology into the learning process has
given students more options than ever before to decide where, when, and how they pursue their studies. For example, students can use their smartphones and other mobile devices to gain ac- cess to homework assignments and grades through online portals, or they can attend classroom lectures remotely through the
use of video technology. IoT devices are being used to send alerts about students skipping classes,
allowing school officials to help those
who may be struggling