Page 31 - College Planning & Management, October 2018
P. 31

administrators to look at various data points and make decisions that will make sense, both financially and otherwise. This is where analytics comes into play. Institutions can look at real-time updated data to make decisions on things as seem- ingly miniscule as whether or not two or three lights are on in a room during the afternoon. Many small choices such as this can lead up to a big boost in sustain- ability, security, and savings.
With the potential cost savings and other advantages, why aren’t all colleges taking advantage of the IoT? JB Groves has a few ideas. “There is a gap in lots of skills and experience when it comes to intelligent buildings and IoT,” he says. “Training is
so important, getting staff familiar with what it actually does and can offer.” The challenge with getting everyone on board comes from the fact that so many instru- mental campus employees have varied technological backgrounds.
“Getting everyone onboard with intel- ligent buildings and IoT can be challeng- ing... it depends on how open-minded your facilities staff is and their level of edu- cation about it,” Groves continues. “Getting the buy-in can be the hardest, but also the most important part of the process.”
In some cases, it helps to assemble a “technology board” that can explore and assess the benefits intelligent buildings and IoT technologies could bring to your campus. This would also be the place to discuss which elements of campus man- agement (security, sustainability, etc.) would benefit most from IoT integration. Having subject matter experts give classes and presentations on the benefits of intel- ligent buildings for your staff or technol- ogy board can help win buy-in. Under- standing the benefits are important, notes Groves, as well as understanding how to use the systems; the benefit of classes and presentations is two-fold.
Another strategy that can help is to collect use cases from other colleges and universities that are benefitting from intel- ligent building technology. Having detailed
benefits and a visual of how those are being achieved can make quite a difference in departmental buy-in across the institution.
The IoT, with all of the recent press, is clearly growing in popularity and widespread use. Getting facility manager buy-in can greatly enhance the efficiency
and effectiveness of an entire department, as well as the campus at large. Where the technology is going is still being honed; the benefits it can provide buildings and campuses are worthy of giving it consid- eration, no matter what size or shape your campustakes. CPM
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