Page 26 - College Planning & Management, January 2018
P. 26

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ProTeam Vacuums
Reduce Allergens and Asthma
HEALTHY INDOOR AIR IS A CRITICAL INGREDIENT FOR THE success of educational facilities. Study after study has shown how students and staff don’t do their best work when they’re
breathing unhealthy air. While indoor air quality influences everyone in a building, sensitive populations like those with allergies and asthma may feel the greatest impact of what’s in the air.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in 11 children and one in 12 adults has asthma, a lung disease that makes breathing difficult and causes repeated episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing. Asthma triggers are things, activities, or conditions that make asthma worse. Asthma triggers range from house dust and pollen to heavy exercise and intense emotional states. Identifying and avoiding asthma triggers can help those with asthma manage it more effectively.
Allergies afflict more than 50 million Americans each year and are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness, according to the CDC. Allergy symptoms can range from the simply uncomfortable, watery eyes and runny nose, to life-threatening anaphylaxis. According to the Asthma and Allergy foundation of America, the best way to prevent an allergic reaction is to avoid one’s allergens.
Indoor air quality is worse in the winter, making it an important time to raise awareness of the prevalence of allergies and asthma and the need to manage allergens and asthma triggers in education- al spaces. ProTeam® vacuums are equipped with advanced ProLevel Filtration® systems that capture many allergens, asthma triggers, and other harmful particles, leaving behind healthier air. While a vacuum can’t address every possible allergen and asthma trigger, here are four common allergens and asthma triggers a ProTeam vacuum can help reduce:
1. Bacteria — Harmful bacteria can cause respiratory infections, which are the most common causes of asthma symptoms and flare- ups. Proper cleaning in all areas helps reduce exposure to disease- causing bacteria, and vacuuming with a ProTeam vacuum helps remove airborne and surface bacteria.
2. Pests — Pests such as dust mites, roaches, and rodent droppings can trigger allergies and asthma. ProTeam backpack vacuums work hard across the country as part of professional Integrated Pest Man- agement programs. Vacuum and dust with a ProTeam vacuum weekly to help reduce pests, paying special attention to cracks and crevices.
3. Pollen — Changes in the season can bring on increased pollen levels. Regular vacuuming can help remove pollen from the air and prevent it from becoming concentrated in the indoor environment.
4. Pet Dander — Dander and saliva from animals with fur or feathers travel quickly from students’ homes into their classrooms. Then they can cause secondhand symptoms in students who don’t even have pets. Reduce exposure to pet allergens by vacuuming floors, uphol- stery, and horizontal surfaces weekly or more as needed.
By capturing microscopic dust that can trigger asthma or aller- gies, a ProTeam vacuum helps improve Indoor Air Quality and protect those with allergies and asthma.
The Intercept Micro Filter
ProTeam® vacuums retrieve soil and contain particles within a ProLevel Filtration system, preventing them from being reintro- duced into the environment. Every ProTeam
vacuum has multiple levels of filtration. Each
filter sifts out smaller and smaller particles. The first line of defense is the Intercept Micro® Filter. For a ProTeam vacuum to provide optimal cleaning power, all filters must be maintained properly and replaced with only genuine ProTeam filters. Don’t be fooled by ge- neric vacuum filter bags. Only genuine ProTeam filters can safeguard your facility and protect the life of your ProTeam vacuum. CPM

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